
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

History of the Undead

One of my friends on MYSPACE is James Cheetum, Writer of Horror. He recently requested of his MYSPACE friends to write their own obituaries. So this is mine. He photoshopped the pictures to go with the story. If you want to see ZOMBIES. follow the link at the
bottom of this page...

The Obituary of Boutica Brennan:

Boutica Brennan was born in 1696 near the north shores of Ireland. Her mother, Alice, was a seamstress and was known for her intricate works through out many villages. Boutica’s father is unknown. There is little known of Boutica’s youth, except that at the age of 14 she ran away from home and lived the remainder of her reckless life on the high seas as the mistress of Black Bart Simpson.

There are no actual facts about her life, but I will quote the story as I overheard it in the Wet Hound pub this very day, March 13, 1716. Boutica lived her aimless life aboard the pirate ship, Night Raven. Black Bart Simpson was not a very successful pirate, but he was often heard bragging of his adventures, even though many times his pirate “conquests” were for a small treasure and nothing more. This pirating adventure went on for several years. However, early in the winter of 1715, as the story goes, while the two of them were in the town of Albright, Ireland, having an ale and spending their meager spoils, the legal wife of Black Bart Simpson stowed onto the Night Raven to surprise her husband, as he had been at sea for quite some time. However, it was Mrs. Simpson that received the surprise when she caught Boutica having a “go” at her very own husband in the galley early that afternoon. (You might say the two of them were having a little dessert before the main meal) In a rage, Mrs. Simpson grabbed a meat cleaver and hacked at Boutica’s neck, laughing as she bled to death. Indeed, Mrs. Simpson did the deed before you could say “Jolly Roger” and Black (as she called him)had no time to react. Boutica’s last words to Black were:” Aye, you were worth it” Black, who was caught with his knickers down around his knees, immediately begged his wife for forgiveness and together they tossed Boutica’s body into the North Atlantic. The body was never recovered. It has been reported recently by many mariners, that the ghostly figure of Boutica has been seen walking in the galley in the early afternoon. Could it be she is searching for her pirate lover or perhaps revenge on Mrs. Simpson? Maybe she just wants a snack.



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