
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, May 07, 2007

Preston was honored at Disney World....

(Pictures from Disney World posted below this post)

Ok, enough foolishness! Preston, Amanda and family went to Disney world last week. They had a really great time, even though it was extremely hot every day. Believe me I have been in Orlando, there is lots of humidity to go with that heat too. I talked to him yesterday. One day while they were lunching in the Magic Kingdom some of the staff was just talking to the people eating and they stopped at Preston's table. This person asked where they were from, etc, and during the course of the conversation someone mentioned that Preston was just home from Iraq and there on vacation. Soon this staff person returned and wanted to honor Preston as Veteran of the Day (month, year?) on Thursday. It was very exciting and Preston got to be in the front of the parade holding a folded American flag flanked by the color guard. I am so proud of him. It looks like little Hannah got to dress up like Tinkerbell too, how beautiful she looks. Austin is getting sooo tall and little Caleb is just growing like a weed. Preston has to leave again to return to Iraq next Sunday, May 13th....I wish so much he didn't have to go back...

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