
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day at the Knights.....

We decided to do a family picture of those of us that were there. Even Beebs was smiling in this one, or maybe she's just thinking "Ah, yes, I shall burn out the camera lens with my killer stare"...:-)
We went to bro Milo and Barb's for our annual Christmas Day chili cook-off
The chili was delicious!!!
Then there was lots of catching up to do, and some laughs too. Bill looks like somebody said something funny....he has that twinkle in his eye, or maybe he just has indigestion...it's hard to tell....
Kent was playing with my camera....but they did have some killer coffee there too.
Me giving my boy a hug, no he's not a dwarf, he's just sitting down.....
Mom and Barb having an intellectual conversation.
Darren and Bill having an intellectual conversation.

Rick, thanks for joining us and taking our family pictures.....we enjoyed your company..

1 comment:

ChelleBelle said...

Love the pictures of your family! Lookin' Good!!