
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Christmas shopping with Garret

First we all had Mexican food for lunch....very tasty.
Garret grabbed my camera and said "Smile, mommy"....that was just so adorable. He took this picture, with grandma's help.. At first he had the camera backwards with the lens against his mouth.....it was a little smeary until I cleaned it.

Then off we went to find the Christmas toys and some clothes. Here is Garret trying to decide if he wanted this toy....it turns out he did. If he didn't want something when I showed it to him, he would say "put it back"....lol.
We finally had our quota of toys (grandma had reached her financial quota, anyway).
You can see by his little face, it was getting close to nap time....he was so good though. Just a sweet heart, except earlier in the day before mom and I got to Decatur Shelley and Cary had tried to have the family pictures taken and Garret would not cooperate, he cried the whole time. There were a couple of pictures that were good, so at least they got them. I guess he just wasn't in the mood that day...he was good for us though. Cary wasn't feeling well, so he stayed home and missed all the fun.

So, as always the time flew by and we enjoyed our day with Shelley and Garret so much and we got home around 6:00.

1 comment:

ChelleBelle said...

Oh my gosh....little Garret is just so cute! They grow up so fast!

I loved "Put it back..."!