
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Klaatu Barada Nikto ??? A movie review and it ain't pretty

I am not difficult to please when it comes to movies, I try to find the good parts even when they are not the best productions, so it's not like I am negative about these things, however......

The Day the Earth Stood Still is one of my favorite Sci-Fi movies, filmed in 1951 and has been
a cult favorite for over 50 years. The famous phrase, quoted by millions, used by sci-fi fans far and wide "Klattu Barada Nikto"....would instantly transport one back to this wonderful and
fascinating movie, with it's robot Gort and main alien character, Klattu. In fact, my brother, Kim and I have for years put this phrase at the end of our letters, cards and emails.

So, fast forward to 2008 when, imagine my excitement, the movie was remade, with Keanu Reeves as Klattu, and Kathy Bates, as secretary of state, and a number of other well known actors were in the movie too. Gort was much the same, which made me happy, and felt
comfortable. It started out well, and I had high hopes, however, I was really disappointed
when the world was being destroyed by teeny, tiny robotic insects , Klattu decided the human
race was worth saving, and made them stop, sacrificing himself and THEN the earth stood still,
for a brief few seconds....hello?....I thought that was the TITLE??? not an afterthought.

Keanu, as Klattu, was so dead pan when he spoke, that it made me laugh. I realize he was an "alien", trying to get used to his "human" body, but, come on.....it was uncomfortable to watch.
He sounded just like he did in "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure", and he wasn't an alien there was he???, although, I guess he did meet with the "reaper"..so maybe that balances thing out.

Jennifer Connelly acted her little heart out, but had totally blood shot eyes through the entire movie, what was she smokin? Jaden Smith, son of Will Smith, was excellent as her step-son, and did a fine acting job as well.

The problem was........

The story line was way too different and should have had a different name like "Earth dies by alien bugs"...and it ended so suddenly, I was expecting some kind of closure at the end, but none came....the credits started rolling and I said "What the heck, is that it?? They could have really added about 10 more minutes and brought it to an acceptable end.

My big question is though, why was there not the famous quote by Klattu to Gort? What happened to the famous "Klaatu Barada Nikto"?...I guess Gort couldn't save the world, because he was what turned into the killing insects....have I lost you yet????

I was disappointed, even with the great special effects and one of my favorite actors, Keanu Reeves, the story line sucked and there was no ending, seriously.

The best part of the movie was the huge bag of buttered popcorn Bill and I ate and the giant sodas that came with the "combo", $11.00,,,,......yes, $11.00.....and finally, as we were leaving the
theatre, one of our friends was walking in front of us, he is a huge Sci-fi fan, and is the brother of Tony Smith, Gail Smith. Bill said, "Hey, Gail, how are ya?" at which point Gail said..."Well, that blew!!"

That about says it all...

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