
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Scooterin' on a Sunday Afternoon

It was extremely hot today, (what else is new?). We got tired of watching movies, so we decided we needed something cool to drink. We hopped on the scooter and went to the grocery store and got some sodas. So then Bill got the bright idea of riding to Farina (7 miles) to the park there. We got there and sat down on the picnic tables under a shade tree. The birds were even too hot to fly, they just sat on the branches and looked accusingly at us, like the blazing hot weather was our fault. We drank about half of our soda and looked at each other and said "That's enough of that"...we got back on the scooter and went straight home, back to the sanctuary of the air conditioning, cold tea, comfortable furniture and did I mention the air conditioning? We didn't leave the house the rest of the day. The heat index was 104, going to get worse this week.

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