
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Silly Wabbit!

Look at this silly wabbit.  He's pretending he doesn't see me...lol

Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day 2012

Thanks to all of our military people who have helped keep our country safe, and have given the ultimate sacrifice for our freedoms. I would like to especially thank my son, Preston, who has been stationed in Iraq 4 times and Afghanistan once, and for the last 4 years has trained new recruits, teaching them everything they need to know to be an efficient soldier. I'm so proud of him, he is the one with the drill sergeant hat on in the very front in the photo. We love you Preston for dedicating your life to serving our country! Thanks to all of my other family members who have also served our country. There are too many to mention by name, but I thank you as well.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Chili dogs and regular dogs

Kent came home for the week end, so we had him, Maddie, Cody and mom over for dinner.  It was great to see my brother, we just don't see him enough anymore.  Kent, Bill and Cody cooked the hot dogs over the fire pit and we all came in where it was cool to eat.  We had chili dogs, chips, slaw and we made our own ice cream sundaes for dessert!  We were stuffed! Maddie brought her little dog, Princess too!   How cute she is.  We hardly knew she was here.. Dona and Xon came over for a while and had some dessert with us.  It was a really enjoyable day.  I love being with family...

Thursday, May 24, 2012

The Pteradactyl sighting

We are back home and had a great time at Carlyle lake! We got a beautiful spot, which was why we went at the first of the week, as this week end is the sailing regatta and the place will be packed with people! The lake was very choppy but made for beautiful sunsets. I especially like this one, a heron is flying across the water. I kept saying to Bill "Oh, look at the pterodactyls!" lol..Hope you all enjoy your day!

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Strawberry muffins...mmmmmm

 It's another hot day here, thanks once again to Micheal Faraday (among others) for inventing the air conditioner! I made some oatmeal strawberry muffins this morning and I must say they are yummy! Enjoy your day everyone and stay cool (be it temperature-wise or awesome-wise)!

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Bring in the clowns..

Saturday I was asked to paint faces at a birthday party. These people are my neighbors, so there was very little travel time. Anyway, the theme was kind of a carnival type theme. They had pony rides, a jumpy house, face painting, swimming, and the place looked very festive. The one thing she couldn't locate was a clown, so .....you guessed it.....I was the clown too! They had an oversized Uncle Sam hat, and so I became "Aunt Sammy"....it was such a FUN event, lots of kids around, good food and birthday cake. Today back to the mundane: Laundry and picking yet more strawberries!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's day 2012

Had a nice day with Bill today. We did some shopping, then went to see "Dark Shadows"...I'm sad to say it was mediocre at best, but mostly sucked. (Pardon the pun, since Johnny Depp was the vampire, Barnabus Collins) But all wasn't lost, I got a new kitchen faucet and 2 blueberry bushes!!! Oh, and my sweet daughter sent me this really cool ankle bracelet! Beautiful weather today, hope you all enjoyed it!

Tuesday, May 08, 2012

A Joyful Noise on New Year's Eve

Had a nice day with mom today. It was movie day, so we had our Wendy's salad and frosty, had a nice visit and watched 2 good movies. "joyful Noise", with Dolly Parton and Queen Latifah. Lots of great gospel music and a predictable story, but still inspirational. "New Year's Eve", this movie has about 30 well known stars, including that girl from Glee, Lea Michele, who had to sing 3 times in this movie, really? She doesn't get enough time monopolizing the tv show?? Anyway, other than that, Jon BonJovi (so handsome), Ashton Kutcher (so pretty), and many, many others, enjoyable with lots of different story lines...Bill went fishing and caught bunches of fish, but he gave them to an older gentlemen that he has known his whole life. Went to Subway for a sandwich and ended with a macadamia nut cookie...have a great evening...wow this is long, you would think I talk alot...lol

Sunday, May 06, 2012

Luna extravaganza

The moon is at it's closest tonight at 10:30 our time, but I still got a pretty good photo, just using a hand held camera...this is the original photo, I did not photo shop it, there are a few clouds in the atmosphere, so there is some color, just beautiful!

Saturday, May 05, 2012

A blast from the past

My cousin Rob Smith and wife, Lori are putting some family photos on facebook, I love this one. I remember this slumber party because we kept playing the same songs all night long, and never went to sleep, good times.