
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, September 29, 2013

Two country girls go into town....hee hee

Today I opted out of the rummage sale and went to the Pioneer Village Craft fair with my mother in law, Dona. We had a really good time. We had one of those old timey photos done. Now those of you that know Dona, know that she is shy and quiet, but I talked her into getting a photo done. She looked so sweet in her long dress and hat. Then we did some shopping and instead of lunch had homemade chocolate mocha and banana ice cream! Yummy. Listened to Lex Shuler play some toe tapping tunes too. A little kid was so taken away by the music that he started dancing and fell down in the mud, he got right back up and started again..lol... Bill was working the rummage sale, so I took him a brat with onions and peppers and stayed for the rest of the dayat the rummage sale. We then stopped to see our old friend, Bill Olden, or Billy O. as I call
him. Enjoyed the visit so much, Bill. Finally we are home and watching some old movies on TCM..could it be a more perfect day?

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Lola's Under the sea birthday party

I painted faces at another birthday party today. Happy Birthday Lola! Looks at this adorable face, and the awesome birthday cake. Thanks so much for having me at the party Keri Lemmons Randall and Linda Miselbrook. I had a great time and hope the kids enjoyed getting their faces painted...

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A great day with Mom, Shelley and the grand boys

We had a grand time at Decatur today with Shelley and the grand boys. Garret was in school, but mom, Shelley, Lucas and I went to Olive Garden for lunch. Shelley and I shared a chicken flat bread, and we had salad and, of course, the bread sticks, and then we had tiramisu for dessert, talk about heavenly!!!! We walked to school and picked up Garret. He's doing so well in school this year! Was so nice to visit and have a relaxing day. On the way home mom and I had a chocolate chip frappe from McDonalds....oh, we were so bad with the calories today.... ...the day ended with a beautiful sunset...I hope your day was awesome too

Monday, September 23, 2013

Preston and family screaming their way throught Disney World... :)

Preston,  Amanda and the grand kids at Disney World. Amanda and Hannah, how hilarious, screaming with their heads together....lol...The boys, Austin and Caleb, seem to be pretty calm, Preston holding onto Molly...love it!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

Bethel Christian Church celebration

What a lovely time I had at the Bethel Christian church today.  First they served a delicious lunch and then I did some face painting.  They were great and let me work inside of the building, it was hot today, so I really appreciated that.  Then the sent food and other goodies home with me, some really good Christian people.  Here's a collage again, it's just easier that way to keep track of my events.  I hope you have all had a great day!

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Busy, busy, busy!

Today was the first week end of Ingram's Pioneer Village craft fair.  Bill and I took our rummage sale wagon and had our yearly rummage sale at the entrance to the pioneer village.  Then I had to leave to go face paint at a birthday party in Edgewood.  The little girl's name is River, such a cool name.  What a nice party, and I got paid $100...whoot!  I've got another face painting event tomorrow...Here's a couple of collages of the party goers...

Friday, September 20, 2013

Count your blessings.

Good morning friends! I have been saving this one gourd for something special. When I found out that two of my life long friends are battling with cancer I thought it was time to use it. There is a fund raiser tomorrow (see attached photo) for these wonderful men. Please try to attend. I am donating this little Halloween decoration. It's not much, but I made it especially for this event. Have a great day, and count your blessings.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hey, it's International Talk Like a Pirate day, once again!

I took me mom to a doctor's appt. this day. Since she was a jolly lass, we went fer ice cream after. cap'n Bill 'n I cooked hamburgers on th' fire pit 'n enjoyed th' evenin' outside...hope ye had a great day too.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Fun Time with the Knights

Good morning friends! What a perfectly cool rainy morning! Yesterday I took mom to do some errends, and then to a meeting,and then we watched WORLD WAR Z. Bill and I had seen it at the theater, but mom hadn't. Of course, I LOVED it, can't go wrong with Brad Pitt and zombies, right? Then we got a pizza and went to my brother, Milo Knight s house, and visit with him and my sis in law, Barbara Higgins Knight, it was a really fun day, we all enjoyed it a lot! I hope you are all having a great day wherever you are!

Monday, September 16, 2013

Kids, they are so hilarious!

I was ordering some things from Amazon today, and one of the things I ordered was some stick-on gems for my face painting victims, I mean clients..I always read the reviews that other people post on there, but this one cracked me up... "I'm going to give this five stars on behalf of my daughter who had lots of fun sticking these in every inappropriate place possible. I bought them for her to wear as pretend earrings but apparently that was too easy and I found the poor dog (a giant English Mastiff) wearing some beautiful sticker earrings instead. He'd like to give this product zero stars as a result but unfortunately the lack of thumbs really ruins his mouse clicking skills. " ... from Mr. A. Penny. I love someone a great sense of humor..don't you?

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Southwire Picnic, #2

Today was the 2nd Southwire picnic. It was really cool, and seemed like a smaller group of kids. Many of them had ball games, tumbling, etc. so couldn't get their faces painted. Also I forgot my camera, so didn't get everyone's picture. Thank you Margie Skelton Bogle for getting your camera for me! Here's a couple of collages of some of the faces, arms and cheeks from today.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Red Hat Ladies Bingo Luncheon

May Haw Jelly from Louisiana

Thanks so much to Sherry Holler Gaston for my unexpected surprise in the mail today! She sent me some Mayhaw Jelly! The Duck Dynasty guys were making some a few weeks ago on the show! That's so very sweet of you Sherry! It's really good too! It really brought a smile to m
y face!

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Monday, September 09, 2013

A Perfect day with friends!

Had a nice long lunch with 6 of my friends today, had a fantastic time! Then I went to Walmart and all of the Halloween stuff is out...yeah!! I bought one of each color of hair color spray to use along with my face painting, it's been a perfect day!

Everybody Talks, by Neon Trees

Sunday, September 08, 2013

Good morning friends! It's a beautiful rainy morning, a nice slow, gentle rain. So today I'm making apple butter. I picked the apples in the rain and then peeled, sliced, etc. in my little "studio" with some golden oldies playing on the radio. I left the door open to let in the cool weather and to watch the rain. Now the apple butter is simmering in the crock pot for the remainder of the day, smells like Fall in here.

Face painting at Southwire company picnic in Flora, IL

I painted faces all day at the Southwire company picnic in Flora today! I had a really great time, and so did the kids. Thank you, Margie Skelton Bogle for the opportunity to be there today. Also, thank you for checking on me to make sure I had something to drink, etc. Those kids really kept me busy! I had a nice cool spot under a big oak tree, couldn't have been any better, even though the temp. was 90 degrees. I hope you all had a great day! Here's a quick view of today's faces,

and arms...

Thursday, September 05, 2013

Blast from the past..

Jenny Holsappe posted this picture on facebook.  That's me on the left, so many, many years ago...look at that hair, it's a mile high!  This was a Ed and Jenny's wedding.

We just call him Bart..

The last three days I have made blackberry jelly, grape jelly and peach jam. Also picked the remainder of the grapes and sold them all. We cooked supper on the fire pit and sat outside until dark, what a gorgeous evening it was. Our friendly little bat showed up at his regular time.. We named him Bartholomew. Well, Bill named him...lol..I hope you all have a great day!

Monday, September 02, 2013

Labor Day with friends!

Thanks so much, Lori Phillips Martin for inviting us to your house today, it was great to see everyone, and the sausage/shrimp boil was to die for, (see, you didn't even have to order pizza after all...lol) Couldn't ask for a better day, weather-wise either.

Sunday, September 01, 2013

I don't know where the day went, but it is gone. We spent a couple of hours at the Omega store at the "round table", enjoying some lively conversation and coffee with friends, then drove to Forbes State Park for a while. We spent some time with Bill's mom and ended the evening sitting outside watching the sun go down, and then enjoying the fireflies and bats zip through the evening sky. It was a nice relaxing day, and I hope yours was too...