
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Hummingbird festival.

We had an interesting and fun morning today. We went to a Hummingbird Festival in Walnut Hill at the home of Donita Morris and her husband. The hummingbirds were being captured, banded and then we got to hold and release our own little bird. It was awesome and amazing. The hummingbirds kind of go into a trance for a few seconds after they are put in your closed hand, so you can actually hold them in the palm of your hand...here are a few pictures, Bill took video and I extracted these stills, so they are not the clearest, but you get the idea. When our own little bird is recaptured sometime in the future, we will receive notification of where it was found and how far it had traveled...so exciting. We both sure enjoyed it. There was a short informational talk before hand too.
The hummingbirds fly in here to eat and they can't get out, the people doing the banding, reach in and catch them and they are banded from there.

Get there early so you can adopt a hummingbird

Here is my "adopted" hummer getting banded.

The hummingbirds actually go dormant when they are in your closed hand, but flay away as soon as you open it.

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