
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 08, 2016

Picnic at the home

Mom and I had a picnic in her room tonight and a nice visit. I got her some new pj's and she couldn't wait until bedtime to wear them...it was so cute! She is doing really well. She wanted a Subway, so that's what we had. The aid brought us some watermelon too. I got all of mom's stuff organized and labeled.. The time went so fast, hated to leave, but she was getting pretty tired. It was a really good day. She had some visitors, Jenny Holsapple and Imogene Denton Tyler. She sure enjoyed chatting with you ladies and couldn't wait to tell me that you came by. Then Jeannell Gaston Charman stopped by to say hello too. Was so nice to see you, Jeannell. Also, thanks to Vickie Johnson for visiting with her at supper last night..You are all the best! Oh, and I love this little bird sanctuary that is in the dining room at the Odin Care Center. I could watch them for hours.

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