
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Hiking at Ballard Nature Center

We went to Ballard Nature Center in Altamont, IL and hiked nearly all of the trails, at least 2 or 3 miles. It was GORGEOUS today, perfect temperature for hiking in the woods. We stopped along the path and had a picnic sitting on a log, very enjoyable. Then we walked some more through the fields of bluestem grass, Indian grass and wetlands. The setting sun was beautiful on the tall grasses and trees..got back home at dark...a perfect day. No pictures this time, as I had posted some last summer when we were there, and also, I could just relax and enjoy the solitude with no distractions...hope you all had a great Sunday.

Saturday, October 29, 2016

Jefferson County Historical Village

I did not know until this morning that Mt. Vernon had it's own historical village open to the public from May through October. It is the Jefferson County Historical VIllage, and is near Cedarhurst Art Center. It is a very well preserved village with many log cabins, general store, jail, church, school, doctor's office, dentist's office, blacksmith shop, and a large museum. We were given a tour by a gentleman that is a member of the Historical Society. We love history, so we really enjoyed it. Then lunch at Ryan's and stop by the Schwartz orchard, where we went to buy apples, but also bought their homemade apple cider donuts...you haven't lived until you have had one while it is still warm..yummy...staying home tonight...the first year we have missed the Centralia Halloween parade, but are relaxing at home....have a good one all!

This windmill is still used to pump water into the attached bucket.

Inside the cabins

Hickory school house

Wow, they had some strict rules for the teachers back then.


The sidewalks were made up of bricks, very interesting.

The General store, also had a barber shop and shoe shine station in a side room.  You can actually get your hair cut at the barber shop on Saturdays for 2 bits, plus a $10 tip. We are both reflected in the mirror, and that was not planned.

Our tour guide showing us the doctor's office, which also included a dentists office.

The drill was operated using a foot pedal, how awful that must have been for the patients.

The last bear shot in Illinois in 1966.  He is on top of the truck.

Just some more of the village, and the large museum that is separate from the other out buildings.

I wonder what kind of horrible stuff this must have been, vegetable fat frozen dessert?  No thanks.

Just relaxing on the porch of the General store.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Molly's 7th birthday

Doesn't Molly make the most beautiful Cinderella?   Happy 7th birthday, Molly, we love you so much and will be seeing you soon.  XXOO

Grandboys crazy hair day and mismatched clothes day at school

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Pondwella and her antics

You all know that Bill and I are just silly people sometimes...so...While I was cleaning mom's apartment out, I found this stuffed frog,can't remember where it came from, but I kept it and just put it in the motor home. Before Bill got in to drive, I sat it up in the front windshield..he got in and asked what the heck was going on there...I said that was our guard frog..so later, while I was in the motor home........

 Bill put her in the tree hanging upside down, for me to see when I came back out, he said she had a rough night..So while he took a walk, I put her in my chair with a cup of coffee and waited for him to come back...so this went on and on all week-end...I think we have a new camping/travel mascot, like those people with gnomes.....lol...and, yes, we had too much time on our hands.....and, anyway, we don't have a gnome..

Monday, October 24, 2016

Halloween camping-part

What a great weekend! The weather was perfect, the campground was full, some friends came to visit, ate food cooked over the open fire, and had plenty of time to relax, hike and commune with nature. We found some hickory nuts along or path and we had some of them for a snack. Someone left their jack-o-lantern, he looked pretty lonely there sitting on the post, so I brought him back to camp and gave him a new home.. :) At night we listened to music on our old battery operated radio from the old days, drank coffee and sat by the crackling fire until we felt like going to sleep...retirement is SO stressful, but somebody's got to do it.