
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Louisiana Renaissance festival, Hammond, LA

the Lords, ladies and all Royalty greet each guest as they enter the gate.

Lots of good thing to eat.

The Pretzel guy, welling his wares on the street.

This same musician is always at every Renaissance Fair we have been to.

Lots of pretties to buy, so I did!

Celtic weekend at the fair, the bagpipe competition.

This is what is considered a childs fun ride...a wooden barrel on chains, and manually oprated

Coppersmith garden, just beautiful!

This guy said his name was Shakespear and that he loves us all. lol.

Yes, that is a real owl, she was beautiful, but made me a little nervous sitting that close, her talons were huge and scary.

The Washing Well Wenches, hilarious!

The gate keeper to the dungeon, and I am telling you, it was horrible in there. All kinds of torture devices and depictions of such

These ladies cooked delicious recipes all day and gave out free samples

The Queen and King have a parade every day...with all of the important people of the Village of Albright.

Another ride for the kids (big kids too), they would wind it around and around, and then let it go....you can imagine

Lots of good food of all types.

Someone thought it was cos-play weekend...yes, they actually have that. It is next week end, cos-play, and steam punk.

As always a knfie thrower, and this is no trick, it's the real deal.

This was a wood vendor, but I love this upstairs house, I could live in it.

Dragons on the corners of one of the vendor buildings.

I had seen "Fiona" earlier, but it was so crowded I couldnt' get a picture. Bill finally spotted her, she made her entire costume and yes, was all green, including her face. She was visitng with the Duchess of Northwick.

No, I don't know either...I guess he was a Renaissance werewolf...anyway, he was funny

One of the many pubs, yes, there is alcohol allowed, they sell it everywhere

the pickle girl

Another kids ride, a dragon this time

This is what it looked like riding in the rickshaw. they literally ran through the streets yelling at people to "gang-way, coming thorugh", they also gave me a Harpo Marx horn...lol...everytime I would toot it, everybody laughed...sometimes you have to be a little bit silly, right?

People would have to jump out of the way, as many times it was a down hill path, and this young man would yell...Gangway, I have no brakes!

The announcer for the belly dancers...there are many different types of shows throughout the day.

Cinnamon rolls  on a stick...great idea!

here is no sitting down to eat, all tables are standing. However, I noticed this year that they did a have a few table with little seats close to the ground for the kids

The ever-famous tomatoe throwing event....the guy in the green wall would insult whoeveer was throwing the tomatoes...very funny.
Then, of course, the Joust, it's a real deal too!

The loser was shaking hands with the winner,.....

Sore loser, decided to fight it out!

Many strange characters are always around.

I wanted to ride in this huge swing, but we ran out of time

The chocolate-covered cheese cake guy!

They musicians, actors, royalty and everyone that works at the fair gathers at the gate and has a sing a long, and ends with a prayer for safe travels...very nice.

part of the Queen's parade, this picture got out of order somehow.

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