
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, March 31, 2017

March lunch with the ladies of '67

We had a large group for our class of '67 lunch today. Lots of laughs, for sure. We were so busy visiting, I didn't really take time to take a group photo, so these will have to do. Love these good times and these wonderful ladies! See you all next month, my friends!

Monday, March 27, 2017

First camp of 2017

We thought we would get a few days of camping in between the rainstorms. It was really cold when we left yesterday, but after a few hours it warmed up and the wind died down. It turned into a beautiful evening. It was a new moon, so all of the stars stood out. The best thing was the eerie quiet. We did not hear a sound, except for some hoot owls and later a pack of coyotes...we enjoyed it so much. Also, we were the only ones in the park. We didn't even want to go to bed, it was such a perfect night. When we got up this morning, we had about an hour before the rain started. It kept raining, so we came home...anyway, was glad to get our first camp of the season in early. Have a great Monday.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

A new small business venture!

I rented a little space at Country Creek Treasures, in Salem, IL,  just for fun. It's just a micro-mini flea market/boutique..lol...I used salt lamps to light my shelves. I have a few antiques, some ladies hats, hip scarves for your belly dancing needs, or zumba, or dancing in the kitchen, also some LED flashing pet collars that will freak out your neighbors when you take your pet for a walk at night. Anyway, there's tons of other wonderful things there too!. I mostly just missed my friends that I got to know when we had our booth their a few years ago, such wonderful fun people. I hope you are all enjoying your Saturday!

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Another afternoon at Ballard's Nature Centur

We had a wonderful day out in the sunshine! We hiked the trails at Ballard's Nature Center in Altamont, IL.most of the afternoon. .The Wildlife museum was open also, very impressive displays of Illinois species, including many children's activities. Then after we stopped for a bite to eat, we visited some friends in Brownstown. It;s always good to get out in nature now and then.. I hope you all enjoyed your day as well..

The path through a fish-eye lens.

Some prairie grasses

I thought I was in a sci-fi movie for a minutes, Yikes!  A giant mantis sculpture inside the museum.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

R.I.P. Chuck Berry

R.I.P. Chuck Berry! You were such a great talent and gave us many years of rock 'n roll music. Here are some photos from 2005 when Bill and I went to St. Louis to Chuck Berry's night club Blueberry Hill. and saw him perform. He was 79 then and was still amazing. He even did his famous 'duck walk'. Good Times, he will be missed, but his music will live on.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Homemade oatmeal breal...mmmmm

Just took this oat bread out of the oven, can't wait to have some. Yum...Have a great evening all!

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

A spectacular sunset

Hello friends, I present you with this evening's spectacular sunset. Hope everyone had a great day!

Monday, March 13, 2017

Poor daffodils....

The daffodils had really started blooming like crazy, now they look kind of sad after the snow today...


New snow fall!

I'm sitting here with my cup of coffee enjoying the fine snow that is falling outside my window. I hope you all have a great day!

Friday, March 10, 2017

Red Hat ladies at Country Creek Treasure Tearoom

I had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today at Country Creek Treasure's new tearoom. A delicious lunch was served to us by the staff, Sally Boyle, Bonnie Carroll, and Debi Champion. On the menu was broccoli cheese soup, chicken salad on a croissant, fresh fruit and vegetables, and peach tea. We then did some tea-tasting with dessert TA special flower creation was made for each lady by Bonnie Carroll, Thank you Bonnie, so thoughtful of you. We had a great time playing bingo and everyone went home with a prize or two...I have so much fun with these ladies and we really enjoyed doing something a little different...I hope you all had a great day.

Saturday, March 04, 2017

Lunch with an old friend on a beautiful warm Saturday

Donna J. Hutchison, thank you so much for the lovely lunch today, it was wonderful catching up with you, many hugs...It was such a beautiful day.....so here are a couple of photos....SUNRISE and SUNSET from just a few minutes ago....I hope you all enjoyed your day.