
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Annual Log Cabin Village Craft fair, Kinmundy, IL

While Bill was having his garage sale today, I made some more applesauce, got it canned. Started making some soft sourdough bread (you know how it can be as hard as a brick bat). This is the best sourdough bread I have ever made...but I digress..while the dough was rising, I went to the Log Cabin Village with my mother-in-law. We had a really good time, it was nice and cool, had shaved ice for dessert, saw some old friends and bought a few things..then came home finished the bread and made supper..so now I am tired and so is Bill, he's counting his money right now.. :) here are a few pix. I hope you all have a wonderful evening.
This cabin has never been opened until this year, it was terribly damaged, the Kinmundy Historical Society has it updated back to it's original state.

My Mother in law, Dona.

Having shaved ice Cherry/banana

A wooden box filled with dried corn kernels, the kids loved it.

My friend, Joan, with her loom.

Hand Dipped candles, made by this guy below.

Love this old washing machine and how the laundry is drying in the sun.

R.I.P. Marla

Another one of our Kinmundy residents has gone to her heavenly home. Marla Shirley lived just across the field from us, BIll just saw her yesterday morning working in her flower bed and they said good morning to each other...last evening around 5:00 an ambulance drove down our road with sirens blasting, always such a foreboding sound, they went to her house, we were outside and the next thing we knew the hearse was there, so quick and unexpected. She was such a nice lady, only 63. She worked at the library, always participated in the Log Cabin Village with her old time dress and cooking over an open campfire, very active in our little community...I just wanted to mention her today, because she was just at the Log Cabin Village festival all last weekend, laughing and talking and enjoying life and it will be sad to see her empty rocking chair at the Log Cabin Village today.....R.I.P. Marla, you will be missed.

Friday, September 28, 2018

Ladies of '67 Sept. lunch

The ladies of '67 had lunch today at the new Denny's in Salem. It was a great time as always, a little smaller group than usual, we missed all of you ladies who couldn't make it today. I am always grateful to call these ladies friends. I hope everyone is having a great day!

Uncle Bob,s Obituary

Uncle Bos Obituary

Sunday, September 23, 2018

R.I.P. Uncle Bob

I am feeling sad tonight. My sweet Uncle Bob Westman went to his heavenly home today. He was such a kind man, loved by so many. He had a very interesting life, with so much personal loss as well. He was a good Christian man. He has now joined the rest of his family in heaven. I'm sure it is a joyous reunion for them all. I love you and will miss you Uncle Bob, you lived a good life. May you rest in peace.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Halloween "Day of the Dead" sugar skull display head

So I made this for my booth at Country Creek Treasures in Salem, IL as a display head for my hats.  I don't usually put my little "commercials" on this blog, but since it's getting closer to Halloween thought it was fitting.  This is basically a styrofoam head and I tried to paint with bright colors and bold lines, like much Mexican art.  I didn't really take much time with it though, I had other things to do...have a wonderful day everyone!

and....modeling some hats

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Lunch with my besties..

I had lunch with Linda and Carol today at the little mom and pop owned Odin Cafe, in Odin, IL.  We had a nice long visit, it was so great to catch up.  It's kind of difficult when it's our monthly luncheon with our other classmate, because there are so many of us, it's hard to talk to everyone.  We were talking about old times (well, we are old, what can I say), we have all been friends since we were 11 or 12.  So many years, so many crazy memories, life has been really good to me...and I'm so grateful.

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Tall like a pirate day 2018

Ahoy! Today be talk like a pirate day, once again! So jus' let me start out wit' this picture o' me cat... he like t' join in th' fun....(I 'ave no cat, actually....
I made this Halloween party decoration today, 'n a few jars o' brown sugar cinnamon chunky 'n extra chunky applesauce....'n 'ave been talkin' like a pirate...Bill has spent a lot o' time outside ... :) Guess he not be likin' pirates...


 Thanks for playing along, on "Talk Like A Pirate Day". Sometimes it's just good to be silly. Now back to my serious, quiet self...(wink, wink) I hope you all have an awesome day!

Friday, September 14, 2018

Red Hat lunch at Wendy's

had lunch with my Red Hat sisters today. Here are a few photos, but I did not have a single one that did not include my "friend" Pat, providing me with rabbit ears..No, I did not know she was doing this, they were all laughing and I couldn't figure out why...that's me always the butt of the joke.... :) Anyway, we had a wonderful time visiting and I hope you all had a great day too...

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Hand held apple pies

It's been just beautiful weather, I've hardly had time to get on facebook or online at all...had to spend some time out in the sunshine! However, I DID make these delicious baked hand held apple pies. They were quite time consuming, as the dough had to be chilled between every step, but it really paid off in a very flaky crust..I hope you all have had a great day!

Sunday, September 09, 2018

After 3 days of cloudiness, and torrential rains, the sun decides to pop out right before sunset and add a beautiful glow to the trees across the street.. I hope you have all had a great day!

Saturday, September 08, 2018

A visit from Preston

My youngest son, Preston, came to see us today, I was so happy to see him, it had been quite a while. We had lunch and a wonderful visit. So, yes, I had a great day, I hope you all did too!

Friday, September 07, 2018

Apples, Apples, Apples!

Bill keeps bringing apples in here, even though I told him not to, because we don't need to be eating so much pie ..they kept beckoning to me from the counter. .."bake me!"....so I made cake....

Monday, September 03, 2018

Labor Day Home activities

It's a hot Labor Day, so we stayed in today, even though our annual festival is going on in town, and is always a good time. So, I made a new "dream catcher" and baked apple pies..Our 35 year old apple trees are full this year. They are not pretty, but they are grown with no chemicals, and actually no help from us at all....so I was in my element today, singing along with oldies and working in my kitchen....I hope you are all having a fun-filled day!

It's Apple time again

Apples from our 35 year old apple trees, this is what they look like when they aren't sprayed with anything, we don't even fertilize them, and they just keep giving to us every year...even the worms like them..lol...they are delicious and make great pies and desserts...