
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Best liver recipe ever

We bought some grass fed local beef liver..I do not like liver at all..but I tried this recipe and it was awesome...so I had to share it with you all! Yes, it also has bacon.. I hope you have all had a great day!

                                                                 LIVER RECIPE

Saturday, January 26, 2019

A walk in the snow, one of my favorite things!

It's such a beautiful snowy day! I took a walk when the snow first started and it was so quiet you could hear the flakes hitting the dried leaves..I have only been back about 30 mins. and you can not see the ground anymore! Here are a few photos...I hope you all have a great Saturday!

Friday, January 25, 2019

January lunch with my good friends and classmates, class of '67

Lunch with the ladies of '67 today at Joe's Pizza...had a great time, never a dull moment with this bunch...hope everyone enjoyed their Friday...

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Some new projects

I hope you have all had a good day. I had frozen apples and blueberries from last summer, so I made blueberry applesauce today, it's our favorite. Finished this tiny mushroom house/night light, made with homemade clay and a jar. For supper we had deer roast with carrots and broccoli and now we are finishing up season 7 of American Horror story.....simple pleasures, ya know....that's what makes life worth living.    

Here are a couple of labyrinths to use for meditation..If you don't know about them, they are the same thing as the outside garden paths in many church yards.  The idea ia to follow the path to the center and then return the same way...both of these come with affirmations and meditation quotes on front or back..

Monday, January 21, 2019

Jericho Rose

Since we've been snowed in, somewhat. I decided to revive a resurrection plant. Have any of you heard of it? It is also called Jericho Rose. It stays "dead" for years tumbling around the desert until it comes upon some water, then it opens and turns green within a few hours. So I tried it, it didn't get very green, but was fun to watch it open in just a few hours. You can let it dry back out, put it away and revive it in the future .Here are a few pictures...it's really pretty ugly..lol., but you are supposed to resurrect it during the full moon to erase negative influences, and bring peace, harmony and abundance into your life....either way...it was interesting.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Visit with the kids and the snow storm

Before the weather turned to a nightmare, we went to the monthly indoor flea market in Belleville, IL. We went to lunch, then to visit my son, Darren, who works at INKWELL TATTOOS in Fairview Heights, IL. It is Saturday and they just opened, so we didn't stay long, there was already a line of people waiting. We had just stopped in to say hello anyway. Then we went back to Belleviille to my daughter-in-laws adorable little shop, SINCERELY, THE CRAFT. She had just made this cute candle in a cast iron pot with two quartz crystals, lavender buds and a dried rose, so cute and smells great... now, it's mine! So we had a lovely day and we knew when we left this morning that we would be caught up in the weather, thankfully, it all turned out fine...have a good evening all!
A weather warning to my facebook friends when we first got home.......
People, if you don't need to go out, don't! The roads are treacherous! We just got home from Belleville about 20 minutes ago, and it is very bad from there all the way to Kinmundy....! Several cars spun out in front of us at different places, and several ran off of the road..

Friday, January 18, 2019

Game day!

Had a fun time playing Bingo at game day at Country Creek Treasures today. I made this delicious Keto Upside down pizza casserole for supper tonight and now watching season 5 of American Horror Story...the Lady Gaga Episodes! Have a good weekend all!

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Throw back Tuesday..

TBT a little early....I don't know why Linda and I were dressed up and Vickie has her hair in curlers....either way...it's a good one...I never quite got the rabbit ears thing perfected..lol

Monday, January 14, 2019

1967 Band trip to the Bahama Islands

Dancing on the beach

Making Sandcasttles

Dancing to the steel drums in the bar

Divers jumping from the deck of our ship diving for quarters.

My roomies  and me in our "state room" aboard the Bahama Star