
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, April 10, 2005

Thieves in the Night and a call from India

Happy Sunday Ladies and Germs......
It has been a hectic week. The weather has been spectacular (except for Thursday which was crap) and there has been a constant line at the ice cream shoppe window. This is great, but my poor feet have to get used to the concrete once again!...Ouch...thanks, Preston, for the foot spa....aahhhhh!

Friday night Ashely and Alana (two girls who worked for me last year), stole some daffodils during the night and brought them to the window of the ice cream shoppe and gave them to me as a gift. Wasn't that sweet, they stole flowers for their old boss lady!! (Ok, I'm not that old!) It's just a figure of speech, as in past employer........ANYWAY......whatever!...:-).

So today is Sunday and it is a beautiful day again, storms coming tomorrow and Tues. though. The phone range and it is my friend, Jayanta, from India. We had a nice visit and he was very easy to understand. He had a deeper voice than I expected and spoke very good English...still that accent was very strong. I guess it didn't sound weird to me, due to there being so many foreign doctors in this area, most of them from India or thereabouts!.

Darren and Mindy made a surprise visit to the ice cream shoppe yesterday!...I happened to look out of the side window while I was waitng on someone and Mindy was making faces at me....too funny. They were in town to go to "Uncle Dave's" 40 birthday party. He lives in Alma, so it wasn't a strech to come to Farina. We had a short visit, but it was great to see them both! They came back to the house to see Bill and for Darren to get his hat that he left here at Chrismas time.

Well, I must go clean the ice cream machine...........I just can't wait......can you hear the sarcasm in my voice???? Guess not.....SINCE I'M TYPING..!!

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