
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

I'm Alive!

Well, haven't I negelected my blog beyond reason???. What can I say, up and to work, home and to bed.. With Prom, volleyball, etc. I have only had one day off since we opened.. Everyone new is mostly trained and I am very happy with all of the employees. They are all fun and hard working, for once I made good choices.

However, the BIG NEWS is that Preston eloped with Amanda and they are now married. It was a shock to all of us, but he seems happy, so I wish them both the best. They were married last week, (Monday?) and she is staying in NC for a couple of weeks, along with her two children. I just want Preston to be happy.

Last Saturday before going to work, Teresa and I went to the Women's Expo in Salem. It was alot more interesting that I thought it would be and we had a great time. Jenny Holsapple had a fantastic booth, decorated with pink sashes and lace and rockin' music playing. It was a fun place to be. I couldn't stay long, since that day was Prom and I was working with Bill.

Mom and Aunt Betty and Uncle Bob came to visit me at the ice cream shoppe again this week. It was so nice to see them again. Uncle Bob told me he used to be a soda jerk in his younger days working for Uncle Ed in his sweet shop.

Let's see....a strange thing I saw this week, was............along side Route 37.....a pair of hounds tooth pants, just laying there in the sun........can you imagine?.....who wears houndstooth these days, anyway?....:-).

My friend Linda in California is a new grandma and sent me many pictures and a happy email. I am so happy for her. Hey, buddy, hugs to ya, if you are reading this!!! I will write soon.

tick-tick-tick...it is almost 11 a.m and I have to get ready for work (should already be ready, but here I set).

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