
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, April 02, 2005

The iceman cometh

A week has once again come and gone. Most of it has been spent getting ready for the opening of the ice cream shoppe. I did get to have lunch with mom Thursday. Teresa called and was crying because her mom fell and broker her wrist and ankle. Her mom has Alzheimer's and is getting continually worse. It is so sad. Teresa also heard from Robert and that made her cry too, I guess it is really over between the two of them, hard to believe after 5 years. She is so sad, I wish I could help her. Mom gave me some phone numbers for her to call to maybe get some help with her mom. Sending hugs to ya , Tuh!

Tomorrow is opening day. Bill and I spent the entire day finishing up with the cleaning, etc. We went to Arby's for supper. We stopped by mom's and she went with us. Guess that was my last supper..lol.

On a more serious note Pope John Paul II passed away today. It is very sad, even though he lived a life of helping others and passed peacefully. He did alot of good for the world, so we should all be thankful.

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