
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

It's almost Halloweeeeeeeeeeen!

It is only a few days until Halloween! Obviously, this my favorite "holiday", such an exciting time of the year, seasons changing, dressing up in costume, cider, candy corn, one last hurrah before winter sets in.

So this is what has happened the last few weeks: Relleke pumpkinfarm: The last two weekends have been crazy, as always, so busy, beautiful weather. We have made it through this far, so only one more weekend. This one won't be so bad (I hope), since it is right on halloween and everyone will have already gotten their pumpkins for jack-o-lanterns, and so the crowd will be smaller and should be a little more fun for us. I can hear my vacation calling me!!

Last Wed. mom and I went to Centralia and had lunch at a little Italian restaurant down town. There is a city museum there that we just happened to drive by on our way to lunch. Mom knew about it and so we stopped in. It was a fantastic city museum with all kinds of things that happened in the past history of Centralia, this small town in Illinois. Newspaper clippings, military memoriblia (from Centralia soldiers), photos, just amazing. I am going to go back with my camera as it is well worth it. Mom's high school picture was on the wall with her class, as well as uncle Bob and uncle John. There was also a picture of her in her cute little majorette outfit hanging on the wall. There was a clipping of uncle Ed's sweet shop (grandpa's brother) on it's last day open. I guess it was a popular hang out back in it's day. Very interesting!

Talked to Danielle. She is doing fine and we are going to stop and visit her too on our vacation, as well as Preston and Amanda.

Shelley called this week also. The baby is a boy!! We are all so happy everything is going well for her this time. Cary is estatic as he was the last Yandell male to carry on the family name.

Fast forward to yesterday, Oct. 26th. Preston is finally home from Afghanistan! It was so nice to talk to him, he sounded so tired. Said he had been on the move for 30 hours trying to get home. He called while Bill, mom and I were at Walmart, getting ready to leave. He talked to all of us. He told Bill that he felt the earthquake that happened in Pakistan and that it was hard to stand up. He was only 60 miles from the epicenter. Too scary. I told him I would call back Friday after he has rested up a bit.

So, yesterday we went out to lunch for chinese food and then I got mom a cell phone for her birthday which is next week. It took us a while to get it going, but she is set for a year now, got enough minutes to last until next October and we are all on speed dial.

So, WOW, I shouldn't have waited to long to catch up this little journal!
The chickens are doing something weird,,,gotta go!

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