
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, October 02, 2005

And the great pumpkin adventure begins

Yesterday and today we were once again at Relleke's Pumpkinfest. Attending were the usual suspects, food vendors, crafters, clowns, camels, and of course, little one's running around with their faces painted. It was a beautiful day. The crowd was a little smaller than usual both days. We were told there were so many other festivals going on in the St. Louis area that it was taking away from our crowd. I not complaining, we still did very well. Sunday Lyd worked with us. We had lots of fun with her. Bill was telling us a story about a guy that called him BOB for about two years, but eventually someone must have told said guy that Bob's name was Bill. Anyway, Bill was telling us this story, so all day we called him BOB. "Bob, I need 3 orders of curly fries"...Bob, you are so funny"....he kept threatening us, but we were not afeared. It made the day go a little faster. Had the few weirdos asking for strange things, like plastic cups to put curly fries in because her kids would fight if they were just all on one plate. Sounds like a parenting problem to me...we did not do it. Some guy waning to know how much sugar we put in the shake ups and how many cups is 16 ounces? Did these people not go to school? Duh!

One week end down...........4 to go!

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