To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained.........
no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.
Amanda and Matt......the wedding day
I should have put this in June , but as usual, I am behind. On June 17,2006 Amanda Haltermanand Matt Raper tied the knot .
This is really my favorite picture that I took all day, just Amanda, she looks very happy!
Here's the two sisters right before the wedding, what great smiles. Amanda is so nervous, she says she wishes they had just eloped to Vegas..
Taking their vows.
I just love this little church, it is really just a cute little chapel and was perfect for a small wedding.
This is Brad, Amanda's brother, and Kristin, his girl friend. I had such great time with them the whole day, they are so funny!!
The cake, of course!
The feeding of the cake.....always love this part. Below are the bridesmaids and groomsmen, already in their comfy clothes. It was a beautiful wedding and I wish Amanda and Matt the bst of luck and a happy life.
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