
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 07, 2006

A Chicken Tail....

Wednesday night, July 5th, I went out to get the eggs and shut the coop, pet the dog, etc, etc. So, I got the flashlight and went outside…NO Dog….gate is wide open and she is gone. There is no way the gate just comes open, it is difficult to open, so anyway.. NO DOG..

So I went into the chicken coop, things don’t look or sound right in there, they are very quiet and I am missing 2 birds!.....I shined the flashlight around the floor and walls and I see something fuzzy with a tail…ewwww…a rat, I thought!...it was hiding behind their water bowl, so I kicked it and out ran a baby possum…..also dangerous to chickens. So I went and retrieved a rake from the barn and proceeded to chase him around the coop, finally he ran out, if I would have thought about the fact that I had on sandals and that maybe he might have run across my feet, I would have wigged out

. Still I have only 12 birds and no dog….what the????? I went into the dog’s pen, there are feathers everywhere, they belong to George the rooster!...OMG…poor George, got eaten by the dog,! I was very angry and upset. I called and called the dog, walked up and down the street yelling for her. So, I figured, she was chasing George and got ran over or something. I finally found one of the little hens in another part of the pen, poor thing was scared to death, I had to pick her up and put her in the coop on the roost, They can’t see a thing at night…anyway… I had to get to bed, so I went to sleep for a little while.

Bill had to get up at 3:30 to get ready for work. I asked him about the dog, he said he saw her about sunset in her pen. I told him about George and what I thought happened to him. Bill is upset at the dog, as she has eaten several birds during the last couple of years, I know she’s a dog, it’s natural, but I wanted to choke her!..Bill went outside and there is Sally (dog) lounging on the front porch like she is the Queen of Sheeba. He put her back in the pen. So, the dog is ok, but Poor George….

SO,Bill goes off to work and I fall back into a light sleep. Suddenly I am awakened by George crowing…I looked out the window and there he is in Sally’s pen, just crowing at the top of his lungs. Sally is not chasing him and looks unhappy with her ears drooping. I put on my shoes and ran outside, grabbed the leash and went into her pen. I put her on the leash, left the gate opened and was holding her, trying to drag her towards George so that I could shoo him out of the pen, she won’t budge, she is scared of him…ha ha… he probably flogged her a good one last night with his huge spurs!...so anyway, I kicked toward George to get him moving, he gets confused and runs into the wall. Finally, he sees the open gate and runs out into the morning….did I mention that this is at 5:30 a.m. and I am in my t-shirt and panties???

SO, I take the leash off of the dog, and close her gate and now I am chasing George around the yard trying to get him back into the chicken pen. Round and round in cirlcles, just me and George in the morning mist!.. Finally I manage to get him back where he belongs.…….might as well stay up now, I got my morning jog in already!....

This is the text message I sent Bill….”.George is ok, repeat, George is ok, all birds accounted for, film at eleven!...”

Now ain’t I just freakin' Ellie May Clampette!!!!....weren't looking at no farflies t'night, pa!

I just wonder what the rest of the day is gonna be like……..

Footnote: the rest of the day sucked too!

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