
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Great Grandma's Baby's Babies Babies'

Don't worry, Caleb, my parents used to pull that binkie trick on me too, when I was your age.
Caleb and Grandpa Bill........hey, grandpa, what's on tv?
The Phillips Clan......
What BIG eyes you have.......
Enough with the smooches already..grandma!
My Grandma Knight is pretty "great"....tee hee, I am funny, already!
Garret says: Hey, Cuz, it's nice to meet ya! MY babies.......Preston, Shelley and Darren
Me and those silly kids, they still know how to make those cheesy smiles after all of those years of pictures when they were growing up! (Well, except for Darren!)
Garret Says, "Hey, about those Nascar Races, Caleb?
Hey, there's still something good on t.v. Is that the food channel, Caleb?
Still cheesin' it up, Mindy and Shelley!

Me and Uncle Darren had a little too much to eat at Applebees..
I can't believe my mom made me wear these socks!

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