Recently I was watching the Oprah Winfrey show, her theme was "Dreams that came true". One of the guests was Emelio Estavez. This is such a great story, so in case you missed it.............First of all, Emelio wrote the screenplay, directed, produced and stared in the story of the day Bobby Kennedy was shot. This is quite an undertaking, but he says is has been a labor of love. So here is the story he told:
He has been trying to write this screenplay for many years, he was so touched by the death of the Kennedy's, but especially Bobby. He was really young, maybe 9 or 10 at the time. So he kept trying to write it, but has had writer's block for the last 3 years. One day his dad, Martin Sheen, well, I guess you all know that....sent Charlie Sheen over to Emelio's house. Charley told him to leave, go get a room somewhere quiet.... and finish his dream project, already! Can't you just see Charley Sheen doing that? So, Emelio gets in his car and just starts aimlessly driving and ends up in a small town somewhere. He is in the dining room of his hotel that very evening, getting ready to start writing the next morning. A lady comes up to him, she is a big fan, asks him what he is doing in town. She is staying in the same hotel. He tells her he is working on the Bobby Kennedy project and that he has had writer's block, etc, etc.
She says, "OMG, I was there that day, the day Bobby was shot. I was standing right in front of him when he gave his speech." She left before the end, to avoid traffic and found out on the way home that Bobby had been shot. They had many conversations, the lady and Emelio and so this gave Emelio the shove he needed to finish the screenplay. He became good friends with this lady and uses her character in his screenplay. She actually married a friend so that he would not have to go to Vietnam, but would get sent to Germany instead because he was married. (due to the draft)....Is that a cool story or what? Anyway, he has lots of big actors playing the parts of regular people and what they were doing that day, like Demi Moore, Martin Sheen, Robert Di Nero, there must be about 20 different stars in it and were all equally excited to be in this wonderful movie about a day that changed our world forever.
Maybe I should have started this post with "Once upon a time, there was an actor named Emelio Estevez....."