
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Red Hatters " Gobble" up Thanksgiving dinner

We met at Judy's house and had to first strike a pose for the camera, cause after all, we are all a family of sisters.

Judy made some delicious creme puffs filled with chocolate and strawberry filling. She also bake a wonderful pork tenderloin with garlic and rosemary and ham. The rest of us brought salads and desserts.

We just kept eating and talking, and telling tall tales. Here is Janet (and mom) who laid down on the bar when she was out with some "older" Red Hat sisters. She was in the same bar where Gretchen Wilson worked before she became a big country star a few years ago.

We had dessert and coffee and talked about our husbands getting lost and not admitting it. How mom and I were going to Decatur and were talking and ended up in Terre Haute, Indiana. How my husband was gawking while driving one night and about ran over a bunch of catholics crossing the street after leaving mass...the others wondered if he would have stopped so fast if they had been baptists?????....:-)....and it went on like that the rest of the night! Judy's husband didn't believe the sign that said "Don't drive any further up the mountain, snow ahead".....they had to back down the side of the mountain.....well, you get the picture....... We also discussed some fun places to go in the future.

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