
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, February 26, 2007

Happy Brthday, Fats Domino

Today is Fat's Domino's 85th birthday. It seems he has been around forever. I saw him live in St. Louis in the 1970's at which time he autographed this picture for me after the show when we were all allowed to go back to his dressing room. The performance was at the Plantation Dinner Theatre in St. Louis. The stage was round and in the middle of the room and the tables were on tiers around the theatre. He pounded the piano and rocked the night away with all of his hits from the 1950's and 60's, such as, Blueberry Hill, Ain't that a Shame and Blue Monday. The thing I remember most was that he had on shoes with clear plastic heels on them and there were gold fish inside, no they were not real!...He would just stomp, stomp, stomp those feet with the beat, while he was playing that piano...quite a fun night! It was surreal to be there hearing him sing all of the songs I grew up with and I just want to say ...he's still got it! .....It's good to know the old boy is still around.....a reminder of a time of innocence and change from my youth...


Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scavenger Hunt night with the Red Hatters

Linda just sent me these other pictures that she took from our meeting. They are much better than the ones I took of the group....(except for the one with my mouth open, but what else is new?? :-)

We started off the evening with Pizza and heart-shaped cookies made by Wilma.
Beverly and Cristy. Another mother and daughter team.
Me and mom with our pulsating heart rings.
Happy Birthday, Bonita!....and how many years would that be?????????
After we ate, Wilma told us that we were going to have a Scavenger hunt, so here was the list and for us to go out to our cars. Well, we protested because we were full of pizza and cookies, after all! Then she said "Just kidding!"...Get out your purses....yes, you guessed it, we were having the scavenger hunt with our purse contents. She had a list of about 30 items, Cristy had a huge suitcase full of everything imaginable, so of course she won. Though Wilma had 4 gifts and handed them out accordingly.
Judy made us some wonderful candies and also made a valentine for each of us with one of her
delicious hand-painted cookies. Thanks, Judy!

We finished the night by playing "Heart" Bingo and a good time was had by all.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

My DyslexicValentine...

Today is Valentine's day, it snowed like crazy yesterday, blowing wind and very very cold, down to the one digits. Bill did not have to work, so he was outside shoveling the snow off of the porch and walk ways. Soon he came in the house and said he left a present for me outside. Outside I go and there in the snow is this picture. .......I YOU LOVE!..

Guess maybe he was having visions of Starwars??? Do you think maybe he is really YODA?.......or maybe it is because he went to Kinmundy School?.....probably....

Anyway, it was a sweet gesture......so HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY , HONEY!...even if you didn't do too well in grammer class.....;-)

Saturday, February 10, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day.....Amigos

So today Bill took me out to dinner for Valentine's Day. We decided on Mexican food, so we went to the LA CABANA in Salem. Those Mexican guys are so funny. We had some kind of Casadillas, they were huge. Then we were gong to go to the movies, but couldn't decide what money we wanted to waste our money on......I'm sayin' there was nothing good on at any of the theatres. Next best thing......we rented a few. Bill rented a movie called "Crank".....not a chick flick. In fact, it was so violent, I just left him to it and read my book. (Steven King's, CELL). I rented the "Black Dahlia"....an unsolved true Hollywood murder mystery with gruesome scenes of what actually happened to Betty (nick-named Black Dahlia, because she always wore a black flower in her hair).....this one.....not a chick flick either. Since the actual murder was never solved, the movie writers just made up an ending. It was very creative though, lots of twists and turns, with a jealous,crazy lady commiting the dirty deeds. I know that's not very exciting, but it is winter in Illinois, extremely cold and it was good to come home early and put on my jammies, drink white hot tea and read Steven King....life is good. Oh, yeah, and it was great to be with Bill too, he's the best Valentine ever.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith...dead at age 39!

And, now, Anna Nicole Smith has died in some mysterious way at the young age of 39. She has most of her life been a spectacle, appearing in tabloids and playboy alike. The last several years she could hardly speak, it was like she was literally on another planet. So, in Sept., her 20 old son, Danny, died, also mysteriously and is still unresolved.. This happened only a few days after she gave birth to her daughter, Dannylynn. Then she had some kind of promise ceremony with her lawyer, and boy friend, Howard K. Stern, promising a marriage in the future ....all of the above happening in the same week in the Bahamas. So, now there have been 3 men come forward saying they are the father of Dannylynn.....there seems to be some complication with getting the dna from said proclaimed dads, do you think maybe it has something to do with the $485 million she may inherit???.....stay tuned....

All in all, her life was sad and disconnected.. It could have been so different....it's all in the choices, people, all in the choices we make.

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

I'd Rather Have Chocolate..........

Oh, give me a break!

Six Foot tall Roses.....................$280.00
Matching vase................................80.00
The entire idea...............................Ridiculous!

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

and now another installment of "Bizarro World"

This morning the police in Orlando, Florida arrested Lisa Nowak, a renowned astronaut that was on the space shuttle mission last summer, operating the robotic arm in the cargo bay. Here is a woman who is a captain in the air force, married for 19 years, three children and seems to have a bright future ahead of her......but.....no.

She got in her car in Texas, drove 900 miles to Orlando to confront a woman named Coleen Shipman. Coleen Shipmen is the girl friend, of another astronaut named , Oefelein.. It seems that Lisa Nowak was "involved" with the Oefelein. in some romantic or sexual way. She found out he was dating this other woman and drove to "talk" to her. She found Colleen at the airport where she worked and sprayed pepper spray in her face. She called the police. Upon the arrival of the police, they found Lisa throwing away a bag of trash. In this bag were some very questionable items: A Bebe gun, a knife, a large hammer or mallet, rubber tubing, surgical gloves and some larger trash bags, $600 in cash. So they jailed her and are now trying to press more charges for attempted murder......

The thing is, her family and co-workers say she has never shown any signs of mental instability or problems in that area....what is going on? Is there something in the air? In the water?

The two parties, Shipman and Oefelein. have not made any statement....so stay tuned....
This one fits right in with my little motto: The strange, the weird, the unexplained.