
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Scavenger Hunt night with the Red Hatters

Linda just sent me these other pictures that she took from our meeting. They are much better than the ones I took of the group....(except for the one with my mouth open, but what else is new?? :-)

We started off the evening with Pizza and heart-shaped cookies made by Wilma.
Beverly and Cristy. Another mother and daughter team.
Me and mom with our pulsating heart rings.
Happy Birthday, Bonita!....and how many years would that be?????????
After we ate, Wilma told us that we were going to have a Scavenger hunt, so here was the list and for us to go out to our cars. Well, we protested because we were full of pizza and cookies, after all! Then she said "Just kidding!"...Get out your purses....yes, you guessed it, we were having the scavenger hunt with our purse contents. She had a list of about 30 items, Cristy had a huge suitcase full of everything imaginable, so of course she won. Though Wilma had 4 gifts and handed them out accordingly.
Judy made us some wonderful candies and also made a valentine for each of us with one of her
delicious hand-painted cookies. Thanks, Judy!

We finished the night by playing "Heart" Bingo and a good time was had by all.

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