
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

boogity, boogity

I was looking through my cd's today and I found my halloween cd's. One has halloween sounds on it. So just for fun I played it and I forgot I had the windows open and so I happened to look out the back window and there was Sally, on point, listening intently, looking at the trees, then looking all around. She was hearing the halloween noises, especially screeching cats, it was hilarious. Small town entertainment..ha ha.

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Some interesting art.....

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Aunt Barbie's Birthday

Mom and I went to Bruce and Barb's to visit today. Barb's birthday was a few days before, so we took a cake and a stuffed bear for her collection. We had a nice time, even though Barb was not feeling well. Barb, I hope you had a nice birthday.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Dancin' at Becky's Bar

Bill and I stopped by Becky's Bar last night and ended up staying until closing time. We ran into a couple of guys that Bill works with and we sat with them and sang and danced and had a grand time. It was good to just listen to the music and not really think about anything else.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

The Most wonderful news.

We got the most wonderful news today. After several difficult years of sickness, chemo-therapy, surgery and radiation, mom has been pronounced cancer-free and she is doing so well. Mom, we are all so happy for you and for us that we will have you around for a long time. You have been very brave and have gone through so much......God has blessed you so much.

Many hugs..

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Sunday, September 09, 2007

Where have all the pirates gone?

So today Bill and I got up early and headed for the Pirate festival in Wentzville, MO. I had a brand new pirate outfit and was excited to go back to the Renn-faire. We drove to Wentzville and found Rotary Park easily. No one was there....????? So, some people were parked in the parking lot in a truck and we asked them about the Pirate-fest and they said, "Oh, it's downtown at Progress Park". We drove for another hour and finally found Progress Park, no Pirates there, just a soap box derby. By now we were really frustrated AND hungry. Since were dressed like pirates and no where to go, we just drove through McDonald's and got some cheeseburgers and came home. Basically we drove 300 miles to eat a cheeseburger.....what a big waste of time. All the way home I am wondering what happened, as I had checked the date many times. When we got home, I got on the computer and went to the websites I had saved with the dates. They were completely gone, now I am completely mystified. The cheeseburgers were really good though.

Saturday, September 08, 2007

A knight's tale.....

Today I was watching A knight's Tale, with the gorgeous Heath Ledger. I have seen this movie many times, but since I love the Renaissance period of history I just had to watch it again. My favorite part (though the entire movie is very good and stays very close to the history and customs of that time), is when Ulrich meets Josalyn at their first "party". Earlier in the day Ulrich was taught how to dance by a beautiful blacksmith lady.(How convenient was that?) It is very clever how the music of flutes and harps and a type of minuet dance turns into David Bowie's Golden Years and modern dance. Watch......

A knight's Tale....dance sequence

Monday, September 03, 2007

Ladies Fashions from 1857 until today.....

Labor Day Parade in Kinmundy town

Here are a few pictures of floats in the parade........

I like this one, there were girls wearing miner's hats on the back of the power techniques truck.Of course, Kids on bikes.......
Richard Pollard on one of his many inventions....

Ancestors of some original Kinmundy families.......
This is my favorite picture from the Labor Day celebration today.
There was a nice big crowd in the Kinmundy Park to celebrate our susquicentennial.
There were lots of fun things for kids too.
Antique tractors ready for the parade
Just this last week the Serenity Garden downtown was completed next to the post office.

Some high school graduates and their teacher designed and painted this mural on the wall of the car wash. It represents many of the things that created our town 150 years ago, mainly the rail road. You should really enlarge and see the detail.
More of the Serenity Garden

This building that looks like an old time cafe, was painted entirely on a plywood wall. The doors are real. At one time there was an actual restaurant in this building, but has since gone out of business and the windows were boarded up. I was fascinated by the detail that was painted there. There is a "Help wanted" sign in the window.
It was very hot today, 100 degrees and searing sunshine. Many of my pictures are too light because of too much light. Anyway, I thought the pictures reflected how the heat felt, so I didn't adjust the lighting on them.
Back to the parade.........

The marching band.......

The politicians......a good time was had by all....and thanks to the Masonic Temple for serving free lemonade and iced tea on the scorcer of a day.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

What The @#$%! ???

So you are probably wondering why there are pictures of fireworks in this post.....Here's the story:

Tonight we went to Applebees for supper with Kent, Maddie, Cody and mom. We had a great time. Kent and I were reminiscing about our trip to California many years ago. What a hoot that was!

We came home and were just each on our own computers, sitting quietly on Sunday night the day before Labor Day. Suddenly we heard several loud booms outside. "What the @#$%% was that?" We went outside and there were fireworks being set off in the park down the road. Tomorrow is our yearly Labor Day "parade" and tonight they had a rock band and fireworks to start the festivities. This is a special year . We are celebrating 140 years of being an established town. So, I grabbed the camera and ran outside and took these few pictures and Bill and I watched the fireworks. What is so funny was that as soon as they started exploding, a few birds flew out of their trees in fear and whizzed past our heads, someones car alarm kept beeping and all the dogs in town were barking. Ah, it's great to live in Mayberry. We have not had rain for months, kind of a fire hazard, wouldn't ya say? What with the fireworks and all.....So, far no smoke.


TIME'S UP.............................