
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, September 03, 2007

Labor Day Parade in Kinmundy town

Here are a few pictures of floats in the parade........

I like this one, there were girls wearing miner's hats on the back of the power techniques truck.Of course, Kids on bikes.......
Richard Pollard on one of his many inventions....

Ancestors of some original Kinmundy families.......
This is my favorite picture from the Labor Day celebration today.
There was a nice big crowd in the Kinmundy Park to celebrate our susquicentennial.
There were lots of fun things for kids too.
Antique tractors ready for the parade
Just this last week the Serenity Garden downtown was completed next to the post office.

Some high school graduates and their teacher designed and painted this mural on the wall of the car wash. It represents many of the things that created our town 150 years ago, mainly the rail road. You should really enlarge and see the detail.
More of the Serenity Garden

This building that looks like an old time cafe, was painted entirely on a plywood wall. The doors are real. At one time there was an actual restaurant in this building, but has since gone out of business and the windows were boarded up. I was fascinated by the detail that was painted there. There is a "Help wanted" sign in the window.
It was very hot today, 100 degrees and searing sunshine. Many of my pictures are too light because of too much light. Anyway, I thought the pictures reflected how the heat felt, so I didn't adjust the lighting on them.
Back to the parade.........

The marching band.......

The politicians......a good time was had by all....and thanks to the Masonic Temple for serving free lemonade and iced tea on the scorcer of a day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow Sheila..what a day. HOT HOT HOT! can you imagine wearing some of those outfits they were modeling! Heat stroke city! I love your Serenity Garden, when the trellis fills in too it will be beautiful, I would love to sit there and listen to the waterfall.

Glad you had a great time, and thanks for the pics! go cool off! LOL