
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, April 04, 2008

A Day in my life..........

Went to mon's today. We tried a new kind of "coffee". You know how I am always getting the free samples, well, I got one from a company called "Teeccino", the coffee is made without coffee beans. It is made with dried fruit and nuts with some chicory added. It is the most yummy stuff. I sent for a sample pack. I tried a couple of the different flavors, and took some to mom's today. We had the hazelnut. I told her to keep one for herself and she chose the Vanilla nut. The coffee is caffeine free, but does having something that gives you energy, can't remember what it is right now. So, anyway, (after that long explanation), we had coffee and pumpkin bread that I made. We had a nice visit.

Mom got her a cell phone,so we got it all set up and put the phone numbers in.

We were happy because the official announcment came out today that Clay Aiken's new album will be released May 6th, all new songs!! So, were were going "eeeeeeeeee!"

After that I went to Walmart and got groceries and some soil to plant my lettuces and broccoli in. I have some large containers. I can't quite decide whether to just go ahead and plant the stuff in the garden, or maybe just the peas and onions in the garden and the rest in pots. Guess I'll see what mood strikes me tomorrow. The last frost for our area is around April 10th, it is going to be very warm the next four days...I will make a decision tomorrow.

So, we had pizza for supper, Bill is in bed, I took a bath and there is nothing on tv.


Here is link to the Tecchino website, in case you're interested.


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