
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

A Sad day.......life is too short......

I usually try to keep this blog up-beat and cheerful, as that is my nature, but today was very sad because of an untimely death of a friend.

Bill just left to go see his boss, there was a death this morning of one of his co-workers and he was also a good friend to both of us. There is much more to the story than that.

This morning Bill got up early and wanted to take me to McDonald's for breakfast, so we called our friend, Tony Garrison, as he is always calling on Sunday mornings and wants to go out to eat. So he said he would meet us there. When he got there, he was not feeling well, said his chest hurt, said it was indigestion, or heartburn. He had been throwing up and was about doubled over in pain. We begged him to go to the ER, we said we would take him and stay with him until his mom and dad could get there. He is very stubborn and hard-headed and would
not go. He insisted it was indigestion. We ate our breakfast and he just sat with us. He had taken a zantac and got a 7 up and seemed to feel much better and was his old self. Then we all went to Walmart where we chatted and he also seemed fine. I went back to the craft dept. then and Bill and Tony were talking in the front of the store. Then Tony said to Bill "See ya later, buddy", his last words in this world. ??? ??? and he drove away. We paid for our items and left. Bill took me by his workplace and was showing me these huge concrete beams they have all been working on for the bridges they are fixing in St. Louis. We were only there about maybe 5 minutes. We were going back towards town and we saw lots of emergency lights, police cars, the rescue unit, ambulance. We drove down one side road and parked, Bill got out walked towards the road as close as he could get, as it is a major intersection in town. When he came back to the car he said he was almost 100% sure it was Tony's car. It was flipped upside down, and the air bag had been deployed. We hoped for the best. We went to the hospital, but, of course, we are not family and they would not tell us anything, then we tried to call the hospital when we got back home, still nothing they could tell us. Finally we listened to the local news and they said there was a fatality. He hit a pole and there was no other vehicle involved. Soon one of Bill's other friends/co-workers called and said the boss had just been to his house and was on his way here. Bill went to find him now. There were 4 workers and a foreman that were working so closely with each other in Missouri last summer and fall, Tony was one of them. He always looked up to Bill and they were really good friends, he called often and stopped by here to visit too......I will really miss him....the saddest part, he was only 37, and graduated with my daughter, Shelley. She remembers him too. I am going to have to call her now and tell her this sad news. I am glad I gave him a hug this morning, he was in so much pain. He could have even been having a heart attack, I guess we will know eventually. It is just the saddest thing and I know the family is heart-broken.

The family needs prayers. I know his parents too, worked with them both for years.....so sad....we all NEVER want to get THAT call....

1 comment:

Kim Thomas said...

I am so sorry to hear this. I will keep his family and friends in my prayers.