
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, April 03, 2008

Scooters R Us

Look at the name on the side....:Hardly Dangerous.....
Don't look at me, I'm hideous!..(No make-up and I have my barnyard shoes on, hee)

Bill recently bought us each a scooter. They are used and have some miles on them, but he got them for a really good price, which was why he bought both of them. The guy that sold them has a used car lot in Salem, IL. His name is Richard Pollard. He has the most interesting place there. His house is right next door to the used car lot. He has an actual airplane (two passenger) that looks like it crashed into his back yard, the nose is buried in the ground, quite a show stopper if you drive around the curve and see it suddenly. He also has a "flower bed", that is full of chrome bumpers buried in rows, the small end in the ground. He has a big sign that says "bumper crop", by there. Standing next to the bumper crop is a huge knight armor, it is about 8 feet tall, the sign next to him says: "bumper guard". Richard also has been in lots of our parades we have here. He has a go- cart, and the seat is a toilet! The scooter that Bill got for himself is a small Honda...instead of "Harley Davidson", it says "Hardly Dangerous" on the side. Mine is red and Bill has been giving me riding lessons in the drive way, and then I ventured out into the road. It was such fun! Now I am going to have to get a motorcycle license driver's license, if we are going to ride together. Bill already has one. So, I guess that would make me a motorcycle mama....or maybe just a Scooter mama, somehow that title looses some of it's glamor, but I will live with it.

I don't think I'm quite ready for the "Big wheels" yet....:-)

1 comment:

Kim Thomas said...

I think you look great!