
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Lili von Shtupp

Yesterday Bill and I took mom out to the Dairy Queen for a sandwich and some ice cream. While we were sitting there chatting, for some reason, the movie "Blazing Saddles" came into the conversation. I think we were talking about Madeline Kahn and her character in "Saddles" having a speech impediment and how hilarious it was.

Fast forward to today: Bill was just clicking through the tv channels, and there was the movie, Blazing Saddles (1974) with my favorite scene....Lili Von Shtupp (Madeline Kahn) singing about how tired she was, and she kept sitting down in a chair while the energetic dancers behind her, dressed like nazis, sang about how tired she was. At the end, with that famous, sneer on her face, the song ended, as she fainted from exhaustion and they carried her off. How funny that scene still is after all of these years and what a classic.

Madeline Kahn died in 1999 at the age of 57. Madeline....I miss your silliness.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

We only have ICE for you...

I was going to the post office today, and while waiting at the stop sign, a truck delivering ice
drove by me and the slogan on the back was:


Seriously, this really happened. Those ICE people are just so COOL...
Guess, they were all "CHILLIN' today.....ok, I'll stop..........!!!!

Monday, June 23, 2008

Irish people in an Irish pub, but not in Ireland..

Mom and I went to visit Shelley and Garret today, and we thought we might get to see Cary too, even though he was working.
So, once we got there, the question was "Where are we going to eat?"
So, while looking in the phone book for the Raspberry Tea room, Shelley found an Irish pub,
Doherty's Pub and Pins (because it used to be a bowling alley and pub, until 2005). Here is Shelley and mom checking out the menu.
I kept trying to make him say 'I'm Irish', I think he said it a few times, but he is such a ham, who knows.
Shelley got some kind of beef and swiss wrap, with au jus, and fruit, fresh pinespple, strawberry, and cantalope., Mom got the Dublin wrap: grilled chicken, dill mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, on a spinach wrap. I got the Donegal wrap: Fried chicken, ranch dressing, cheese, lettuce, onion, tomatoe on a sun-dried tomatoe wrap....we all got the same delicious fruit for dessert.
Garret got chicken nuggets and fries and we shared our fruit with him.
This is the outside of the pub, with some Irish people standing there, I don't know who they are...:-P. We stopped by to see Cary for a few minutes at his work. He was having a hectic day, but we managed to give him a hug anyway......then off to the mall.
Garret loved the kitties at the pet store. He also really loved a little puppy beagle that was there, but I didn't get a picture.
He also like grabbing the ladies underwear off of the rack as we walked by , and anything else that was within reach. He thought that was great fun........grandma didn't....:-)
He was wondering where the "Pepper" was????
As we were leaving Garret took off running out the door, with Shelley right behind him, but he is so fast she couldn't catch him and she was running too fast, he fell smack on is face on the concrete and Shelley tripped over him. We were all laughing until we saw blood.....poor little guy had three scapes on his forehead, and he was crying. He was ok though. Boy, he is so fast, grandma Sheila couldn't keep up with him at all.

We tried to get s0me pictures of him pushing his little toy lawnmower, but he wasn't in the mood.....and got in trouble with mom, who made him go in the house....
It all ended ok though, great grandma gave him some lovin'.

We all got hugs and "knucks" from Garret and even some kisses before we came home. We got hugs from Shelley too, but no "knucks"....:-)....it was a really great day! We love you all so much.

Thursday, June 12, 2008


What!!!...Of course, I'm a bunny, why are people always asking me that.....it's so annoying!

Monday, June 09, 2008

Just another day in Mayberry

I made strawberry freezer jam today, and weeded the garden. I brought in some honeysuckle and it smells wonderful in here. Then I made white pizza for supper, took Sally for her walk and then we went for ice cream with Bill's mom and Xon, because it was their wedding anniversary. Those were the highlights of my day...do I hear you all snoring????? You better cut it out.. :-X

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Random Sunday, Random thoughts

It is such a lazy day here today. It is 95 degrees, and Bill just HAD to go to our local weather page on the internet and see that the heat index was 104! Well, that just made it worse for me. I was going to pick some strawberries and make freezer jam, but think I will pick them early in the morning when it will be cooler. So, we just had a nice big breakfast with our homegrown eggs, bacon and sourdough biscuits. It was really yummy. We just got back from taking a ride around town and through the country while we drank a soda and had a candy bar, we just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. Nobody outside here, except those crazy people participating in the horseshoe throwing tournament. Yes, we actually have a very nice horseshoe throwing game lot set up in our park. I told you I live in Mayberry.....we just waved at some of them we knew from our air-conditioned car... :-[

Random thought #2.

I was watching the Comedy channel today and this comedian was on , his last name was Cho. He was Korean, but was raised in Nashville, TN. He actually had a southern drawl, and it was just hilarious. He said he went to Korea for the first time and he was freaked out because they were all talking to him, and he didn't have a clue. Then he lost his dad in the crowd!!! :) :) :) :)

Random thought #3

Bill went to the coin shop yesterday with another friend of his that collects coins. He drove all over Effingham, Farina, etc. and was just coming back in to town and his muffler fell off right in front of the gas station/garage where we have all of are car repairs done. He said he only had to drive about 10 feet and he was inside the garage. How lucky is he?

Random thought #4....there isn't one.

Saturday, June 07, 2008

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tornadoes in our neck of the woods

The day started out with a beautiful sunrise. Bill had just left for work, and he called me and told me to get a picture, it was a beautiful morning and he was right. It was already warm though at 5:00 a.m.
As the day wore on there were many warning on tv and radio, about tornadoes for our area. Of course, this happens all of the time, so we just were aware of it.....and waited. It was very hot and humid. Bill called on his way home from work, he said he saw greenage in the sky, and knew there was the makings of a tornado. He said to be ready, he was coming home to pick me up and we would go chase it. As it happened the storm stayed west of us for a while, so we were able to drive down Rt. 37 and watch it form. Below is a sequence of pictures as the typical wall cloud and eventually a tornado form.

Below is the same picture as above, but showing the various components of the storm.
By the way, it never formed an actual tornado, but came very close, as after the wall cloud is formed, and the beaver tail formation, the next step is a funnel cloud. Because there was no jet stream pulling from the top cloud formation, there wasn't enough updraft to create the tornado, which was a good thing actually. It would have been exciting to get some pictures, but people live in that area, and also the interstate runs through it.
As I am typing this , it is 8:30 pm and it is still storming.

Oh, and Sally figured out how to make the great escape today from her pen, which is another story. Bill had to go out in the lightening and rain and nail plywood and 2 by 4's in front of her gate.....she was not happy! The dog is bonkers..

Monday, June 02, 2008

Great News.....again!

Today mom had exploratory surgery at Mt. Vernon St. Mary's hospital. Dr. Disai, a urologist that did surgery on her last month to remove a tumor from her kidney, also did the procedure today.
I am very, very happy to report that there was no more cancer found in either kidney or her bladder. Another blessing to our family. There were no complications and we were home by 11:00 a.m. Thanks for all of the prayers these last few years, everyone.