
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Irish people in an Irish pub, but not in Ireland..

Mom and I went to visit Shelley and Garret today, and we thought we might get to see Cary too, even though he was working.
So, once we got there, the question was "Where are we going to eat?"
So, while looking in the phone book for the Raspberry Tea room, Shelley found an Irish pub,
Doherty's Pub and Pins (because it used to be a bowling alley and pub, until 2005). Here is Shelley and mom checking out the menu.
I kept trying to make him say 'I'm Irish', I think he said it a few times, but he is such a ham, who knows.
Shelley got some kind of beef and swiss wrap, with au jus, and fruit, fresh pinespple, strawberry, and cantalope., Mom got the Dublin wrap: grilled chicken, dill mayo, lettuce, tomatoes, onion, on a spinach wrap. I got the Donegal wrap: Fried chicken, ranch dressing, cheese, lettuce, onion, tomatoe on a sun-dried tomatoe wrap....we all got the same delicious fruit for dessert.
Garret got chicken nuggets and fries and we shared our fruit with him.
This is the outside of the pub, with some Irish people standing there, I don't know who they are...:-P. We stopped by to see Cary for a few minutes at his work. He was having a hectic day, but we managed to give him a hug anyway......then off to the mall.
Garret loved the kitties at the pet store. He also really loved a little puppy beagle that was there, but I didn't get a picture.
He also like grabbing the ladies underwear off of the rack as we walked by , and anything else that was within reach. He thought that was great fun........grandma didn't....:-)
He was wondering where the "Pepper" was????
As we were leaving Garret took off running out the door, with Shelley right behind him, but he is so fast she couldn't catch him and she was running too fast, he fell smack on is face on the concrete and Shelley tripped over him. We were all laughing until we saw blood.....poor little guy had three scapes on his forehead, and he was crying. He was ok though. Boy, he is so fast, grandma Sheila couldn't keep up with him at all.

We tried to get s0me pictures of him pushing his little toy lawnmower, but he wasn't in the mood.....and got in trouble with mom, who made him go in the house....
It all ended ok though, great grandma gave him some lovin'.

We all got hugs and "knucks" from Garret and even some kisses before we came home. We got hugs from Shelley too, but no "knucks"....:-)....it was a really great day! We love you all so much.

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