
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, June 06, 2008

Tornadoes in our neck of the woods

The day started out with a beautiful sunrise. Bill had just left for work, and he called me and told me to get a picture, it was a beautiful morning and he was right. It was already warm though at 5:00 a.m.
As the day wore on there were many warning on tv and radio, about tornadoes for our area. Of course, this happens all of the time, so we just were aware of it.....and waited. It was very hot and humid. Bill called on his way home from work, he said he saw greenage in the sky, and knew there was the makings of a tornado. He said to be ready, he was coming home to pick me up and we would go chase it. As it happened the storm stayed west of us for a while, so we were able to drive down Rt. 37 and watch it form. Below is a sequence of pictures as the typical wall cloud and eventually a tornado form.

Below is the same picture as above, but showing the various components of the storm.
By the way, it never formed an actual tornado, but came very close, as after the wall cloud is formed, and the beaver tail formation, the next step is a funnel cloud. Because there was no jet stream pulling from the top cloud formation, there wasn't enough updraft to create the tornado, which was a good thing actually. It would have been exciting to get some pictures, but people live in that area, and also the interstate runs through it.
As I am typing this , it is 8:30 pm and it is still storming.

Oh, and Sally figured out how to make the great escape today from her pen, which is another story. Bill had to go out in the lightening and rain and nail plywood and 2 by 4's in front of her gate.....she was not happy! The dog is bonkers..

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