
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Sunday, June 08, 2008

Random Sunday, Random thoughts

It is such a lazy day here today. It is 95 degrees, and Bill just HAD to go to our local weather page on the internet and see that the heat index was 104! Well, that just made it worse for me. I was going to pick some strawberries and make freezer jam, but think I will pick them early in the morning when it will be cooler. So, we just had a nice big breakfast with our homegrown eggs, bacon and sourdough biscuits. It was really yummy. We just got back from taking a ride around town and through the country while we drank a soda and had a candy bar, we just wanted to get out of the house for a bit. Nobody outside here, except those crazy people participating in the horseshoe throwing tournament. Yes, we actually have a very nice horseshoe throwing game lot set up in our park. I told you I live in Mayberry.....we just waved at some of them we knew from our air-conditioned car... :-[

Random thought #2.

I was watching the Comedy channel today and this comedian was on , his last name was Cho. He was Korean, but was raised in Nashville, TN. He actually had a southern drawl, and it was just hilarious. He said he went to Korea for the first time and he was freaked out because they were all talking to him, and he didn't have a clue. Then he lost his dad in the crowd!!! :) :) :) :)

Random thought #3

Bill went to the coin shop yesterday with another friend of his that collects coins. He drove all over Effingham, Farina, etc. and was just coming back in to town and his muffler fell off right in front of the gas station/garage where we have all of are car repairs done. He said he only had to drive about 10 feet and he was inside the garage. How lucky is he?

Random thought #4....there isn't one.

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