
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big Snow in Kinmundy, IL

Bill got stuck...so instead of helping him, I took a picture....

There was 8-10 inches of snow that feel between January 27, and 28.
From my nice warm house, a view from the window of my poor dog who doesn't like to get her feet wet.....

Below is my car before I cleaned it off...it was a beautiful snow, but really cold, of course.

First Woman on the moon

Friday, January 23, 2009

Visit with Shelley, Garret, and mom for my birthday

Mom and I went to Decatur today to visit Shelley and Garret. It was a belated birthday celebration, since the weather was bad on the 17th when we were going to go visit in the first place. Garret was at the play area of the mall and did NOT want to take time to get his picture taken, but I posed anyway.....na....nana....nana...na...Garret, I got your picture anyway!!
We ate at Olive Garden, mom had peach tea, and they actually put a peach in it...looks good! Shelley looks so pretty, she is 7 months pregnant here...but she looks lovely. I can see her rolling her eyes right now!!!
While we were waiting for our food, Shelley and Garret were playing "Coasters"...I didn't know
how to play...hee hee..

Shelley got him to smile........finally!!! Aw, he's such a cutie....

So after lunch we went to the mall and left mom in the play area to keep an eye on Garret while we shopped for Lucas. We found so many cute things for the new baby!!! We had to put a few
things back on the rack, ah that was painful. Anyway, he is going to be a very fashionable little baby...only two more months..

So while we were checking out and paying for our stuff mom called on her cell phone....Garret kept escaping from the enclosed play area and she had to run him down and grabbed him by the shirt....lol....I wish I could have seen that....we made it back to Shelleys safe and sound and with Garret buckled into his car seat.

Christine and Marsha came over and we visited with them for a bit, always a pleasure. We got
home around 6:30....what a fun day....so
Happy Birthday to me.......again...

Saturday, January 17, 2009

My Birthday....the big 6 0....

Mom and I had a good time today. We ate at Applebees and had a grilled chicken breast with a nice glaze on it, some new potatoes and about a gallon of broccoli...
it was good, but we just about OD's on the green stuff.... :-*

Then we went to the Rusty Nail and I bought a couple of things for my living room.
Here are a couple of pictures, one is of a lazy susan with antique stuff on it, and the other one is a sign that I put behind my new tv on the wall....ah, the irony....SIMPLICITY and a HD tv on the same wall.....


They were serving chocolate fudge nut coffee today, and it was yummy. Mom and I bought a can and brought it home and we drank a cup while we chatted for quite a while.
Then brother Kim called at mom's to wish me a happy birthday and Kent called me Sunday morning, so it was so nice they both called me. Barb and Bruce sent me an ecard of some fat guy dancing in a tutu....lol. All in all, it was a very nice day to reach the big 6 0...Hugs to all.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

My crazy dog

First of all, it was very cold today, but was still warm enough to get outside. We decided to take Sally to Kinmundy lake and let her run a bit. As you can see, the lake is pretty well frozen.
She's deciding where to go first.
So, it was down by the lake, where she stopped long enough for me to pet her.
Then she was off again, to the woods and around the area. As long as we were outside with her everything was fine. She has been here before, but for some reason this time every time we got in the truck to get warm, she ran from window to window, looking at us
Here I am getting ready to get back in the truck, she is giving me they eye.

She ran around to Bill's side of the truck where she put her paws up on the window, wanting back in. In this picture she is back at my window. We finally gave up and took her home after about 20 minutes. She is so insane, she could have been running free having fun, but she was too worried about what we were doing...and that's why she's crazy.

Friday, January 02, 2009

There's a new rooster in town...and he has a posse...

Friday we went to Bill's cousin's house and got a rooster for our hens. They have been acting weird, one of our friends that raises chickens, said they need a boy friend, so we got a big old rooster from Tom in Omega. He doesn't have the big plumes in his tail, because he is a cochin. They are supposedly very friendly and docile. I named him Ralph, after Ralph Cramdon from the "Honeymooners"...he has lots of feathers on his feet.

The ladies seem to like him pretty well......

We took him home and the hens started following him around. He pretty well keeps them in line. When they start getting wonky, he just pecks them in the head...one of my friends, said it gives a whole new meaning to "One of these days, Alice, ....straight to the moon"...(Thanks, Terry)...I think this one will be Alice....

Then we went to lunch at St. Peter at the Amish restaurant. The food was wonderful, with sourdough bread and pickled beets served with our meatloaf , cheesy potatoes and green beans.