
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, January 02, 2009

There's a new rooster in town...and he has a posse...

Friday we went to Bill's cousin's house and got a rooster for our hens. They have been acting weird, one of our friends that raises chickens, said they need a boy friend, so we got a big old rooster from Tom in Omega. He doesn't have the big plumes in his tail, because he is a cochin. They are supposedly very friendly and docile. I named him Ralph, after Ralph Cramdon from the "Honeymooners"...he has lots of feathers on his feet.

The ladies seem to like him pretty well......

We took him home and the hens started following him around. He pretty well keeps them in line. When they start getting wonky, he just pecks them in the head...one of my friends, said it gives a whole new meaning to "One of these days, Alice, ....straight to the moon"...(Thanks, Terry)...I think this one will be Alice....

Then we went to lunch at St. Peter at the Amish restaurant. The food was wonderful, with sourdough bread and pickled beets served with our meatloaf , cheesy potatoes and green beans.

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