
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, April 03, 2009

More baby pictures for your viewing pleasure...

Shelley and Lucas
Aunt Christine and Lucas

Of course, we had to have a photo shoot....

So Precious.........
I love the reflection of the rose on his face...same roses as last week, they've seen better days.
Big brother, Garret, giving Lucas a kiss on the head...
I'm sure he will think we are lame someday with the rosebuds and all...

Garret helped me with the dishes while I was there, he actually scrubs the dishes, instead of just playing with the soap.
Garret and I had a good time, watching CARS, WALL-E and Sponge Bob, although a little sponge Bob goes a long way with me....
Aw, mom and her new baby...
We had lots of fun just moving him around on the blanket and pillows...

We gave Garret a chance to pose on the blankets too, he wasn't really into it....heee!

The Story of the Orange Car
Tuesday Shelley and I went to Walmart to get a few things, and to make some prints of pictures of Lucas for Cary to take with him to work. So, we took Garret along, since we decided he was probably tired of looking at he four walls and was running around like a crazy goon. Cary had smashed Garret's Flo car from the Cars movie and he kept wanting everyone to fix it. So we tried to find him a new one, but Walmart was out of Flo. We handed him a few things and he kept throwing everything in the cart. Shelley took out everything but some matchbox race cars, and a single blue race car. One thing that she put back was the orange car in the picture above. When we got home he kept asking for the orange car, wanted me to look in my car. For two days he kept asking for the orange car. It was so weird that he remembered it, it was only in his possession for a few seconds. He kept harping on it, so Shelley finally gave in and went back to Walmart and got it for him.....persistence is key to getting what you want. He's only three, but he already figured that one out...

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