
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, November 30, 2012

Yeah, mom's better!!!

Good morning friends! Yesterday I took mom to Mt. Vernon again, and she is finally released from physical therapy, and her pain clinic doctor, and the pain clinic in general because she is SO MUCH BETTER! Yeahhhh! So to celebrate we went to Cracker Barrel and had cinnamon streusel french toast...with eggs and bacon (well, I had turkey sausage, like that made any difference). So after about5 pounds
 of that we came home, so, of course, I went to zumba. It was a full class and some new routines...awesome! Today I am working out in my studio and have a back up plan in case I get locked in again "accidentally". It's called a knife...lol...hope you all enjoy your day, it's almost 60 here today, sunny and beautiful!

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