
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, July 03, 2013

Off we go to Decatur

Mom and I went to Decatur today to visit Shelley, Cary and the grand boys.   We played with play-doh, had a salad from Wendy's and watched CLOUD ATLAS, which was very weird as it was 6 stories inter-twined in time, and was very disjointed.  It was also LONG, but the idea and the actors were awesome.  Then we visited for a while and we came home.  It was a nice relaxing day..here's a few photos of our play-doh adventures.
 Lucas pounding on the play-doh....not sure why.
 Garret made a turtle....I think
 Well, he looks mighty happy!
 Star in his eyes..
 Play-doh spaghetti
 Garret's "art work", that's what he called it, not sure what it is.
 Lucas made a taco
 I love Shelley's aquarium, very artsy.
 I call this a ball of play-doh, but Garret said it is a boulder.

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