
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, June 28, 2014

I face painted at the Southwire Company picnic today. Even though there was a 50% chance of thunderstorms, the sun kept shining and it ended up being just beautiful. The kids were awesome and so much fun, as always. I even got to take a lunch break and had some delicious food. Thanks so much to my dear friend, Margie Skelton Bogle for asking me to paint there again this year, and for helping me set up and tear down at the end of the day...a special hug for you! I even had a few people from the camping area bring their kids by, so I made some extra cash that way as well..all in all, a perfect day.

Friday, June 27, 2014

We have got so much done around here today, inside and outside. However, my sheep fell off of the mantel and I had to glue him back together, then I was coming up the front steps and hit the holder for the rain gauge and broke it off.....I'm almost afraid to cook supper now..

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Ben and Katie's Country-fied wedding, it was lots fun!

The wedding was held in the woods several miles from the main house in an old cabin that was built by Ben's dad, and grandpa, when Ben was just an infant. A great back drop for these two wonderful people to tie the knot.dd caption

hese kids were just sitting on the porch of the old cabin waiting for the wedding to start, they were in it, so they were just waiting. So cute! 

Look at this beautiful face, such expressive eyes. 

And in the sweltering heat of 92 degrees and heat index of over 100, the wedding begins

They did not leave out there little guy, only 5 months old, he was part of the wedding party too! Wow, he was so good through the whole entire day and evening.

Here they are hugging their children, with their own little baby boy in the picture too, very touching.. 

Officially Mr. and Mrs. Golden

The first Golden family portrait

With Ben's mom and dad, Tina and Ben

Isn't this a great wedding cake? Ben's favorite things on the bottom layer, hunting, fishing, and Katy's favorite things on top, the ocean and the beach.

Then back to the main house tor a great meal, music and fun.

It was still very hot, a few of the kids jumped in the pond,

Time to open some the gifts

Cutting the cake, of course. The lamp was a wedding gift, and they also got a jar of White lightenin', along with many other thngs

Ha ha and now the fun begins...he actually got that turquoise icing up her nose!

Ben singing "Wagon Wheel" with his daughter, it was so sweet and wow , she did such a great job too!

Time to go home, love this sunset with the hay bales and their back yard garden, which is huge! A wonderful time was had by all, and the food, fantastic as always. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Baby blue birds

June 16, 2014
Saw three of our baby blue birds this morning, only got a photo of two of them, aren't they just so adorable. While I was gone today, Bill saved one of them that got in the chicken pen, he opened a place in the fence and let him out. My hero!

June 15, 2014

June 10th, 2014- bluebirdie update:  Their eyes are open and they are getting their  little blue pin feathers.

June 10, 2014, Also there are 5 birds in the nesting box instead of 4...they are growing so fast.
June 6, 2014
We have 4 little baby blue birds in our blue bird house! Every year there are birds in this same little box. It's always exciting and everything happens so fast, soon they will be little fledglings..now they're just hungry and do a lot
of peeping.

Watching a bald eagle at Forbes State Park

Bill and I went camping last night, we knew it was going to be a rainy night, and how wonderful it was! We were listening to some oldies, the fire was blazing, the rain was falling but it was after dark before we even began to get wet, the canopy of trees was pretty thick above us, just so enjoyable and cool! This morning we saw a bald eagle, it happened so fast I hardly had a chance to get a good shot, so if you look really close you can see the white of his head and tail in the middle of the picture in front of the middle tree, guess I should have drawn an arrow...lol.., he flew in from behind us grabbed a fish out of the water and too
k off...such a beautiful bird!

Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Back to Decatur to see the grand boys...and Shelley...and Cary...and the two dogs, and the cat.

We had such a nice day with Shelley, Cary and the boys today! We had a nice long visit, had lots of laughs, great food, and the boys entertained us with some of their fancy dance moves...lol...how fun...! Enjoyed the day so much, so glad the weather came in early and left town before we had to

Drive to Decatur..