
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Friday, July 25, 2014

Swim Party at Carol and Mike's

Garret, THE FLASH (Peyton) and Lucas....... The kids got to swim for about an hour and a half, it started raining, but of course, no reason to get out of the pool, until the storm got too close and Mike yelled "Everybody out of the pool!" — in Salem, IL

It was kind of cool, but the kids forgot about it pretty quickly!

Look at the joy on that face!

Lucas found a little buddy to hang out with that was his age, the rest of the kids were Garret's age or older.

Such little hams....lol!

It got really cold after the rain came, everybody was bundled up on the porch, waiting for the pizza to get done.

Pizza party on the porch!

Ice cream sundaes for dessert.

It was storming, so the  kids all went downstairs and had a great time anyway.

Lucas said he needed some exercise..lol

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