
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, July 08, 2014

The short lived end to the birdie saga

Bird update: I took Carolyn Zurbriggen s suggestion and put the nest in a hanging basket along with the birds and hung it in the tree above where the nest fell out and sure enough, the parents found them pretty quickly, they fed them for a while and then one of them flew out, about 2 hours later the other one flew out. I knew they were about ready to fledge, they were moving around a lot and stretching their wings last night. So after, rescuing them, feeding them and then putting them in the hanging basket, they still flew out and ended up on the ground...I was at mom's today, so Bill stayed outside all day and kept track of them, the parents continued to feed them, and after I got home it was still going on. I was just out there and I could hear them peep and the parents were nearby calling them...I hope they will be ok, thanks to everyone that suggested ways to help them, you are all the best! I took this one picture of one of them.....

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