
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

All we wanted was a nice camping spot in Las Vegas, NM

After exploring downtown Las Vegas, NM, we decided to find a camping spot there. We went to the tourist information station and inquired about where to camp. They gave us some brochures, but Bill asked the young lady there where SHE liked to camp and she said that her family always like to camp at Gallinis Canyon and she told us how to get there..We started up a small incline and then before we knew it up in the mountains, 20 miiles around and around and up and up, no place to turn around, barely room for two vehicles, much less a camper..so after our harrowing drive we were almost at the top of the mountain and we found the place. It was beautiful, but very secluded. By the end of the evening we were the only one's camping up there! So we built a big fire and listened to the silence. As I commented before the sky was amazing with no light pollution from the town.


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