
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Thursday, November 01, 2018

Throw Back Thursday....my Great Grandma's excellent adventure..

It's TBT, so here's a fun and interesting one. This is my great grandma Boggs, who at the age of 85 married a gentleman, 84 that she met in the Friendship house in Centralia, IL. It was March 10th, 1968 and they had both been there for a year or so.. She had been a widow for a long time. News of the wedding.made many national papers and news outlets. It was a large wedding of 150 people, a traditional wedding cake, music, dancing and the works...the funny part: (my mom told me this story)...The night after they were married, my great grandma retired to her usual room, pretty soon her new husband came knocking on the door and wanted to...how do I put this gently...um, consummate the marriage...she immediately became enraged and would have none of it, she caused a ruckus in the nursing home, disrupting everyone's sleep...so as far as I know, they got married and that was all that poor, sweet old man got for his money... now, she COULD have just told this story to us, because she didn't want to admit that she had been a wife to her new husband at her age...who knows...either way, mom and I got some chuckles out of the story for years.... Have a great day all...

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