
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Carolina Beach....here we come!

Today we met up with Danie. We took our suitcases to her house and then headed for Carolina Beach. It was a beautiful day, perfect temperature and no rain. After a couple of hours we arrived. At first we just walked along the beach, running in the tide and picking up seashells, there was much laughing and silliness, as usual. We decided to have some lunch, so we went to the “Sea Witch”, cabana and tiki bar, at least that’s what the sign said. We had fresh shrimp, fries and beer, all of the main food groups! The shrimp was the best I have ever had. The Sea Witch was a really fun place and we enjoyed. Danie and Bill had several beers, me I had just one. We got the blanket out of the car and went back to the beach with a bag of cheetos. We fed the cheetos to the seagulls! The beautiful Atlantic surf was glistening in the sun and smashing loudly onto the beach, it was so relaxing we almost fell asleep. It was great to be with Danie again, so sweet and funny! It was getting dark so we headed for home. Watched some tv and then went to bed. Another wonderful day of our vacation. This concluded MY part of the vacation planning, now it’s Bill’s turn, I wonder what’s next?

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