
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Time travelers

The first time we attended a Renaissance Faire was at Hammond, LA, 5 years ago. So we are very fond of this particular festival, as it was what started us on this great adventure as time travelers. We love the Renaissance era because of it's colorful history, the great costumes and their way of life. It was a much freer time, free to be who you really were, a glorious, creative time in history.

So this is why we drove all day to get here, it is our special thing that we share with each other that we really love.

This fair is alot like the other one we attended last weekend, in that it has the joust, the numerous stage shows, the food, street minstrels, merchants, etc. However, this year they had a new queen, there has always been the same one for the last 5 years, a lovely spanish lady. The new queen was very beautiful and VERY pale. We were crossing the "Kissing Bridge" (invaded by the gypsies) and I saw a familiar face in the crowd. It was the "old" queen, who had mysteriously become a woodland nymph with ears and a tail. We always visited with her in the past and was great to see her again, she stopped and gave us a hug and a few laughs!

There is a "ferry" that travel across the lake that is in the center of the fair. It is just a wooden raft with park bench bolted onto it, and they just pull it with a rope from one side to the other, this always cracks me up!

A very good looking pirate guy try to kidnap me, I put on a brave smile while he held a gun to my head...and then Bill and I sat on a bench late in the afternoon and I was practicing my british accent, thanking everyone for attending our Rennfaire....Bill was laughing, but I just smiled at the people and kept thanking them, we were making a few remarks about some of them under our breath....what fun!

We stayed until close, at which time they had a sing along with all of the characters of the court! I hated to see it end, don't know if we will be able to come back again. It was kind of sad. Vacation is now officially over......waahhhhhh!

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