
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Happy Birthday to mom and Shelley

Sunday mom and I met Shelley at Tuscola at the "Amish Buffet". Shelley looked so cute with her little pregnant belly. Mom and I bought little girl party party favors for Shelley. Since she will be a mom in a few months, we decided she should have just one more "Little girl birthday party. Shelley wore the tierra, beads, and "Birthday girl" badge all day, even after lunch and while we were shopping. The Red Barn is an amish buffet and and entire village of crafts, foods and decorations. It is just beautiful and we have been there many times, it is always good for a girl's day out. We left the hubbys at home. We shopped all of the little craft stores which are all built like log cabins, but are all housed inside the main barn. In fact, it is always decorated for christmas year round. We laughed so much...Shelley was such a hoot and was telling us horror stories about their "new" house repairs. I told her it reminded me of that movie "money Pit"...it was funny then, I guess we'll see what happens as time goes on. I miss her so much not living very close anymore, but she is happy and the baby boy is growing by leaps and bounds.

We leave on vacation Thurs. and I am so ready. Can't wait to actually put something INTERESTING in my blog. Must call the kids and tell them when we are coming.

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