
To my world of the weird, the strange, the unexplained......... no, I'm just kidding, this is a happy place......OK, maybe I am just a little weird.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

More on the Rennfaire...May 17, 2008

It was a beautiful day and we found our way with no problems. It is located on the outer edge of Rotary Park in Wentzville, Missouri and is a beautiful setting. We ran into some old friends that we met last year, which is always a pleasant surprise. We did our usual walk arounds, visited the may stage shows, especially the Limey Birds and the Musical Blades (a pirate act).....we decided we would be, as our characters this year "The Captain and Tenniille"....go ahead an groan. Hey, I thought it was funny....lame, but funny! Some folds "got it", most didn't. There we some new things too, and we always enjoy the many different characters. So, we had lunch and some good ale from the pub and we were sitting under a tree watching the last joist of the day, when suddently one of the horses got spooked or something and it threw the knight into the wooden fence, it made a loud smacking noise, the crowd went silent at the poor guy laid there and was completely knocked out. The paramedics were on the scene immediately along with the police. It seemed like forever, but he finally regained consciousness, he was in a lot of pain. It looked like his shoulder was dislocated. It was NOT part of the act, as was announced and they asked for everyone to make way for the ambulance. The crowds waited quietly, until the ambulance came, and finally got him on the gurney. We all applauded and cheered as he waved to us with his good arm. So, it was such a relief, but everyone was really frightened for a while there. So, now that knight will have a story to tell when he is all healed up, about going to the ER in his armor and 1500's garb. We were talking to one of our friends there who said they knew the guy that was hurt, he rides in joists for a living and has done it for many years. He trains the new guys, so it was just the horse that was the problem. Many people think the jousts are just an act, but I can tell you that I have been to many Rennfaires and the jousts are completely real. They wear strong armor, ride their spirited horses and use real lances. I have seen many times where the knights have gotten cut, or the lances break in two. It is very exciting, and very dangerous.

We waited until the big finale on the main stage and then we all go to the gate, where they play a beautiful kind of prayer with guitar, flute, and oboe, it is a prayer for safety on the way home. They do this at all Rennfaires I have attended. I always like that, because the day is mostly fun and silliness, but in the end, it is about loving your fellowman and enjoying your life with others. The King's court always lines up at the gate as we leave and they wish everyone, individually, a good day.

We ran to the car and threw off out hot clothes, and put on some other ones we brought with us. We stopped at Vandalia and had some fried chicken and then drove home through the country. It was still a beautiful night, the moon was full and shining on the country road drove as we listened to some oldies on the radio:, Bon Jovi, AC/DC, David Lee Roth, Hall and Oates...it was a wonderful day.

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